The first think you might notice is how much BIGGER it feels, you will get use to it. Also notice how we refer to asking the bike to do something, She is not one to be muscled easily. I think this is where the myth of the busa cant corner comes from. Just work on being smooth and the bike will respond, jerking the bike will just unsettle it and you will find out how quickly she bites.
I still get comment from my riding buddies (on cruisers) about how good and effortlessly I control my bike, It will come with time just start off slow.
I let my brother ride by bike when I was injured and he came back with this comment. "After ridding it in C-mode (GenII) I got on the freeway in A-mode and just about sucked out a filling." It has a lot of power but use it responsibly. If necessary find a track until some of the initial Horse power intoxication wears off, it will never go away.
I still get comment from my riding buddies (on cruisers) about how good and effortlessly I control my bike, It will come with time just start off slow.
I let my brother ride by bike when I was injured and he came back with this comment. "After ridding it in C-mode (GenII) I got on the freeway in A-mode and just about sucked out a filling." It has a lot of power but use it responsibly. If necessary find a track until some of the initial Horse power intoxication wears off, it will never go away.