A good friend of mine was the Manager of HUD Housing Authority, about 7 yrs ago, he walked away.
Some of the stories he told me had me in dissmay.
4 generations of the same family living in the same Housing Developement, instead of trying to better themselves and get the education the system was trying to give them, they were just using the system to get what they wanted
The system is flawed for sure Busafied, and people do abuse the system as well. But it is not all that simple and black and white. It is no small task to expect someone to overcome the effects of ceturies of cultural devastation...not having clear knowledge of your ancestry, having few things to be proud of, few role models, few father figures, gang pressures, inadequate healthcare, hunger, bankrupt educational systems, etc. It is one thing to want to better oneself, but it takes uncommon strength to overcome the devastating cycle that you refer to. Fortunately, more and more do it everyday!
The one message I would like to get acroos is that few people really live like that because they like it. Many just don't see the way out, or know any other way. it is easy to say,
"Do Better & Work Harder!" But few of us have been litterally affraid to go to school for fear of being shot by a sniper.
Just food for thought.
Ok, my point has been seen..
Few not all, that's what I wrote.
Clearly the statement that was quoted from the body of the Text I had originally posted, and is being pulled aside to make light.
My point is the System only works according to how, you choose to use or manipulate it.
Opression by "MY Forefathers" & others can be used to make any statement true as long as you wish to keep yourself down and opressed.
I truly believe, "You are Limited by YOUR own mind", as seen below in my signature.
I believe, any man, of ANY race, can make anything of himself, if he/she applies themself.
Futhermore, to keep in one's mind the way my Ancestors were Opressed in Germany in the Nazi era, does not make case for me to allow myself and family to be "kept down".
People allow themselves to be manipulated, is the problem.
People who make better for themselves, is the solution.
Regardless of Race, Creed, or Religion.
My family taught me I am only limited by my own mind and goals I put upon myself..
Maybe more families need to teach that instead of, I am not caucasian, therefore I am destyned to fail.
Our children have already been shown we can possibly live together in Harmony, but one can ruin it for the masses.
In all my ramblings, I can only hope you find that the above information is written and expressed as an opinion.
Like a$$holes, we all have them.
You don't hear me complaining about needing the Gov. to pay my bills because I was in an accident or wanting someone to come fix my home, because I don't have the money.
Those are my Responsibilities, I will do what is necessary to take care of my Family & self.
With my God by myside, I can accomplish any task set before me.
I ain't on here preaching, just giving another point of view.
I could hide behind all kinds of fears, but why?
What does this accomplish ultimately?
Nothing will ever change the past, it has been done & gone.
People who choose to be kept down by the past, have allowed themselves to be manipulated.
I leave you with the knowledge of how I make it day to day, what works for my family & I.
GodSpeed, and hopefully your dreams come true, not your nightmares.