after i got the pclll r


I just got my PClllr for my busa 2002 le,everthing is fine,the only thing is the gas goes so fast,what i am doing wrong,please help me,thanks

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I just got my PClllr for my busa 22002 le,everthing is fine,the only thing is the gas goes so fast,what i am doing wrong,please help me,thanks
The first problem is you are using pump gasoline for a "22002" model year bike. It must be a proto type but I am sure it was meant to run on plutonium or something, yes?
I just got my PClllr for my busa 22002 le,everthing is fine,the only thing is the gas goes so fast,what i am doing wrong,please help me,thanks
Use the "I would like to conserve more gas" map. It can be downloaded from

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I just got my PClllr for my busa 22002 le,everthing is fine,the only thing is the gas goes so fast,what i am doing wrong,please help me,thanks

You must have the wrong map loaded if it is burning fuel too fast. Are the insides of the tail pipe turning black? Is is blowing black smoke? Could be too rich, maybe!
didi you load a map or (better) get it dyno'ed?

...or are you commuting at 140mph?
I need help,not jokers,i know about gas,i know a busa has a biger engine also have a gixer (750)2001,but the diference in gas used,compare to before the pclllr is huge...thanks anyway,Veloz

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yeah, but did you load the right map, get it dynoed...etc.?

What exhaust system did you put on?

Hey man your best bet is to get it professionaly tuned. When i had my d and d i tried to create a map myself...bad idea i went from 38 mpg to about 25
. I got rid of the d and d and got a map from brock now im setting at 35 mpg. Get a different map.
If you spent the $$$ for the PC and a full sys, do yrself a favor and have a good tuner map the bike up right on a dyno. I'm sure someone around here could recommend a place in yr area if you ask...
I loaded the Europeon Yoshi map in my bike with a few tweeks at lower rpms and I have been getting 46 mpg and it runs strong...
how do you tweak the PC and what determines if you need to add or remove fuel
You just type in the amount of fuel in a desired rpm range on the computer screen..When the bike lopes runs uneven I have been adding fuel at that rpm and it has been smoothing it out..Sometime you have to add alot 20 points maybe..The Yoshi map has settting for every 250 rpm range, I think the older versions were only every 500 rpm, just a guess..I have a PCIII USB..I rode a few hundred miles today and when i got home I added some fuel at the 2750 and 3000 rpm ranges...I am doing a trial and error method and seems to be working for me...
what does the bike do when it runs uneven. I dont know what im supposed to be looking for
Lopes like it has super large cams in it..Lope--Lope--lope. Jerking in gear can be a sign also..When you get it right , the bike shifts alot better also....I just keep messing with it and it has been getting better...
So you actually fixed that low end surging