Aikido !


Donating Member
I went to my first Aikido class last night with my 11 yr son and wife. We're all taking the class together for 12 weeks. So far its really cool. I'm having a hard time remembering the names of the moves, tho!
Any other martial arts peeps here? What do you think?


Several of us! Tae Kwon Do here. Everyone should at least try MA of some type, great for mental and physical conditioning and self confidence.
TaeKwonDo and Hapkido here. +1 on what Shibumi said about everyone trying some sort of martial art at least once.

Aikido is from my point of view the nicest of all MA... The philosophy of it is great, the technics are incredible (and deadly efficient)... But it is also i think, one of the toughest to learn.

I did almost a year of it but put it aside because i couldn't put enough time into it... You have to pratice a lot and regularly so i just put it aside for a while.
No, In North Georgia we just shoot ya, LOL, no thats good that you have father and son time together, that will be something that he will always remember,and it will pay off in the long run, with guidance that he's getting now, I've coached my two boys ball team when they was little,took them fishing,I'm proud of them today, so go the extra mile it will pay off for ya in the long run, Brian
My wife and I own a Shito-Ryu karate school in CA. I've been training for 24 years and can say that it has been well worth the time, sweat, and money. Aikido is a good disciplined study for short, mid, and especially long term practice. Traditional versions taught by qualified, experienced instructors make an unbeatable combo.
Keichu Isshogai Ryu is what I learned long ago. But the Marines taught me hand to hand which seems to way more effective.

I also know Click Pow, which is most effective against mexican judo
started hung gar kung fu this past winter, childhood dream come true.
Like usn?....before the Marine Corps i took Taekwondo...then after the corps?...i studied "Style X" with Tiger Kim in Palm Beach....which was a hibrid combination of TaeKwonDo & Hapkido (whereby the hapkido infused lotsa wrist/arm/shoulder lock moves INTO the TaeKwonDo)....then about 10 years back?...I did a little studying with Chuck Derdarian outta Jupiter, elderly armanian dude who's also a 5th degree Kung Fu man...who studied in studied the art form in Korea....for 20+ years....where he achieved his 5th degree...he's also sat as a judge for PKA quite a few times and was requested to be Vinnie Paziano's (Pro Boxer) coach/therapist corner man for Vinnies comeback..after he broke his neck...but now?'m to old and outta shape to screw around on what used to be one of my favorites.."Spiring Night"...but have adopted a Jeet Kune Do philosophy regarding my use and application of the martial arts...and to think...all this...all because i was a only, lonly, kid growing up in 70's south florida with nothing better to do than build and play and practice with "nunchuks" for hours on end...oh and "Bow Staff" i always thought..."weapons"....are much cooler and far more devastating.

L8R, Bill.
Seven years studying Isshinryu. Both I and my 14 year old are ni-dans. I've never been as proud as when he was awarded his last year. It keeps us together and him being an instructor for the younger kids has helped his confidence immensely.

Did you have any specific question about Aikido or is this just a general hey this is fun you should try it kinda post?

I like Aikido, but I like lots of other things too
Ryobu Ki for 10 years & Shorin Ryu for about 25 years. I taught on the Marine Corp base at 29 palms for a couple years. Lots of us out there.
My girlfriend is an instructor. I don't remember what all she teaches, combat hopkito (spelled wrong i'm SURE) is one of them. NO...she can't kick my ars....ok she can but I like it!
I tried Tae Kwon Do with my brother when I was younger from 14-16, then fell outa it for a few years...never really took up "training" in the traditional sense again, but I used to spar with a buddy to get him ready for Tournaments in Tae Kwon Do (he's a 5th degree now, used to be 3rd degree when we worked out together). Lately I've been too busy, but was helping two friends train in Jiujitsu cuz they're 6' 2"/270 and 6'4"/240, and the instructor is only 5'7", and his assistant is like 5'4"/150...they were crushin him when they were in full mount stuff and it was too hard to do most of the grappling moves cuz he was too thin-so I got 'elected' to help out so the assistant wasn't gettin squashed!
I am friends with alot of guys who train at a Kickboxing gym and if I can get my work schedule planned out a little better, Id love to get back into that with my wife...keep myself busy during winter.
(maui @ Sep. 16 2006,22:flamethrowing:) Did you have any specific question about Aikido or is this just a general hey this is fun you should try it kinda post?

I like Aikido, but I like lots of other things too
No specific question, just thought it was pretty cool.
Theres alot of MA people on here!
I wasn't really looking for any degrees, belts or what have you, I was just looking for a little mental and physical training for me and my family.
Thanks for all the replies..............
(guido4512 @ Sep. 18 2006,04:49)
(maui @ Sep. 16 2006,22
) Did you have any specific question about Aikido or is this just a general hey this is fun you should try it kinda post?

I like Aikido, but I like lots of other things too
No specific question, just thought it was pretty cool.
Theres alot of MA people on here!
I wasn't really looking for any degrees, belts or what have you, I was just looking for  a little mental and physical training for me and my family.
Thanks for all the replies..............
I think the trick with any of this is to stick with it. Most people are really excited the first few times then they have a conflict one night and skip a class. Next thing you know, more and more conflicts come up, and pretty soon you've quit coming altogether. Ten years is not an unreasonable amount of time to train in something like this. If you look at the replies you'll see many people in the ten+ year category. Those people have made the commitment and have some benefit form their experience now. Often I see people get a "black belt" in something and quit. Like they've achieved something like a degree and will be a black belt for ever. The fact is that you need to continue training to maintain any level of skill like this. A person who got a black belt and quit in just a few years is pretty much right back to where they started. sure they may have a little more skill, but certainly not the same skill they left with.