Air Filter

5 mpg more than you had been getting versus what? To isolate the impact of the new filter alone, your comparison needs to compare your mileage over the same 300 mile route using the same gears. Was that your comparison? If so, was the old filter really dirty when you replaced it?
I had been getting 34.5 and with the new filter, got 39.5 and yes it was over a similar route and speeds. I had cleaned the OE filter as best I could before, but with nearly 13,000 miles on it, it was quite dirty when I changed it. That's with the OE plugs in it too.
I've never priced a stock air filter before and i just cant believe its $40... might as well buy a K&N so i can clean it and reuse it! It would pay for itself in this dusty climate i live in! I should have known though... if the stock oil filters cost $12 then the air filter had to be at least twice that...
lol i got a free stock on off my 07 with nothing on it never even started bike with it i also have a crap load of other stock poop i dun need rear light grab bar chain gripr bar ends lol
