A work buddy put a setup on his wife's Miata. Pretty FREAKIN' LOUD!! Don't use it around LEO. You could get ticketed for a noise ordinance. I used a Stebel set on an older bike. It got everyone's attention when needed. (or when NOT needed!!)
It's not just to scare people. It's more of a just wanting to be different thing. I don't know of anyone that has one of these on their car and I want to do it. $300 for years of amusement is a good deal to me. You don't live forever, so why not have some fun when you can.
It's not just to scare people. It's more of a just wanting to be different thing. I don't know of anyone that has one of these on their car and I want to do it. $300 for years of amusement is a good deal to me. You don't live forever, so why not have some fun when you can.
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