Air Shifter Problem


I seem to be having an issue shifting from 1st gear to 2nd gear on my Turbo bike. when I hit the air shifter when the RPM's are high it doesnt want to shift into 2nd gear. its like the solenoid wont engage. I can manually shift into 2nd with no problem. tranny is fully built and brand new. the air shift button is not connected to the horn. it is a dedicated PMR thumb shifter.

Its an MPS shift kit with ignition kill. I have no issues shifting into any other gear but 1st to 2nd just isnt happening unless the RPS's are very low. it almost feels like im out of Co2 when I hit the button but the bottle is full. a few times it has shifted but only partially and throws me into neutral.

im gonna play with the kill time tomorow but it shifts flawlessly thru the other gears so I just dont think that is the problem.

any ideas?
I have been fighting a similar issue...for me if I turn in or out a few flats on the shift rod it makes a huge difference other than changing the toe position...whatever the ratio / shorter rod or a hair longer the trans has a much more positive feel.
hmmmm ok. ill look into that. its almost like the shift rod is bound up but I know its not cause it shifts into 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th with no problem. I hear the cylinder wanting to engage but for whatever reason is not engaging fully when there is a load on it it seems.???
when is last time you took shifter off, washed with hot soapy water, air dried it and oiled it?

depending on how mounted be sure there is play side to side and up and down on shifter, has to have some free play.

if all that fails by the mps preload switch and install it..i bet it just needs a good cleaning and oiling

also remember 1-2nd is longest throw.
the air sfifter has been sitting a while. the bike was down for quite some time so maybe it does need a good douching. didnt think of that.

I really do need to check to see if there is play side to side. maybe that is the problem. I did have to do quite a bit of rearranging down there to make this work with the RCC rear sets. I still have quite a range of adjustment left.

it shifts fine at low rpms and slow speed which would lead me to believe nothing is bound up. aggravating.
Is the noid mounted directly to the ram? also spray some soapy water on the solenoid to see if it has an internal leak.
have you checked the MPS website and the instructions for your particular shifter?? might help just a thought