All I can say is WOW!!!!!!

Yesterday I finally got past the 1000 mile mark and ya'll know what happened. 11000 shift,11000 shift, 11000 shift and bam 140+!!!!!!
 What a rush!!!!! Now for some stupid ?'s. First does it hurt this engine to see those many rpm's  everyday? Second  say I run 'er thru first,second, and third,shift to fourth and let off. Do I need to clutch it or does it hurt to let the engine slow ya down. Best I remember after shifting to fourth and letting off the tach was around 7000. I know these are kinda stupid ?'s but just want to enjoy the power without worrying about hurting something. And if ya call the dealership they probably couldn't tell ya anyway. Thanks for any info,Jeremy.
Hey like your signature says "ride it like you stole it". You will hurt yourself before you hurt this bike. It is a very well engineered, bulletproof platform when stock. Have Fun!
Not a problem with the engine slowing you down, and NO you will not hurt the engine running it up. The damage happens by HOW you go through the gears. Make sure you don't baby the shift, make it firm, solid and quick. I like to use the word "Flick" through the gears, because that's what it sounds like when you do it right  
(DaCol. @ Jun. 07 2007,18:50) Not a problem with the engine slowing you down, and NO you will not hurt the engine running it up. The damage happens by HOW you go through the gears. Make sure you don't baby the shift, make it firm, solid and quick. I like to use the word "Flick" through the gears, because that's what it sounds like when you do it right  
(razorback state busa @ Jun. 07 2007,15:11) Yesterday I finally got past the 1000 mile mark and ya'll know what happened. 11000 shift,11000 shift, 11000 shift and bam 140+!!!!!!
 What a rush!!!!! Now for some stupid ?'s. First does it hurt this engine to see those many rpm's  everyday? Second  say I run 'er thru first,second, and third,shift to fourth and let off. Do I need to clutch it or does it hurt to let the engine slow ya down. Best I remember after shifting to fourth and letting off the tach was around 7000. I know these are kinda stupid ?'s but just want to enjoy the power without worrying about hurting something. And if ya call the dealership they probably couldn't tell ya anyway. Thanks for any info,Jeremy.
Ain't it sweet running the gears to the red
(dadofthree @ Jun. 08 2007,15:27) So what if ya hurt, then you get ta heal it  
and they usually heal up pretty dang good and often looking and performing better than when in original form.....