All this talk of road trips


So all this talk of road trips and seeing everyone out there doing it has given me the motivation to do something I have wanted to do for a couple years now. My biological father lived in Coos Bay OR where I was borne, we started to develop a close relationship, and he loved his Harleys he always wanted to drive cross country down to Florida where I now live unfortunately Christmas day 2009 he passed away, I always wanted to make this trip in his memory so I am going to start planning it now probably for this fall or next spring this is the general route I am going to take I would like to meet other oRg members during my trip please feel free to modify my route if it comes close to a place where you live, I would love the opportunity to get pic and ride some with my fellow oRg members
Big detour to head my way but it's nice to see you making this trip in your father's honor. I'd ride it with you if I could bro. Be safe and enjoy yourself and definitely take lots of pics :thumbsup:

Rockethead using Tapatalk
Seems like a good time of year to plan trips this one is a little ways off but i want to do it sooner rather then later i dont want it to be one of those things that just keeps getting put off
Funny enough I just started planning a SF to Boston to Florida back to SF trip today. Lots of us going to be on the roads this fall.
if you have the time, I'd add a few spots since you are going to be within a day's ride of them by the current map.

Deals Gap - aka Robbinsville NC
Rapid City, SD and the roads around it

Simply put, two areas that are absolutely amazing to ride, sight see and visit as long as you are doing the big trip :beerchug:
you're coming right through St. Louis...there are several of us around here and we should be able to get a few to ride with you for a ways as long as we're not gone to a MnG when you come through :beerchug:
And if you need a place to stop for the night and a good (free) meal, your welcome to stop in at our place. Providing your not a seriel killer or anything! :laugh: :rulez:
So all this talk of road trips and seeing everyone out there doing it has given me the motivation to do something I have wanted to do for a couple years now. My biological father lived in Coos Bay OR where I was borne, we started to develop a close relationship, and he loved his Harleys he always wanted to drive cross country down to Florida where I now live unfortunately Christmas day 2009 he passed away, I always wanted to make this trip in his memory so I am going to start planning it now probably for this fall or next spring this is the general route I am going to take I would like to meet other oRg members during my trip please feel free to modify my route if it comes close to a place where you live, I would love the opportunity to get pic and ride some with my fellow oRg members

Sorrento, FL to Coos Bay, OR - Google Maps

If you coming this far into Florida don't just stop in Orlando. Land locked and to many tourists.. Hit either of the coasts to see the beautiful Atlantic or the Gulf of Mexico. The gulf or the west central Florida is beautiful. Hit me up if you come near St Petersburg.
I would meet up with you in the Nebraska Wyoming areas. I'm just 40 mins south of Cheyenne.

Keep us informed.