almost got taken out bad..u wont believe it.

I am guessing you were a little late 4 work after rinsing the carrion off of your scoot! If not, it's gonna be a fun ride home!
Glad everything turned out OK
You've got to be careful with those birds.  Haven't run into one on the bike, but I had one get caught on the side of my helicopter and then left a big indent on the rear stabilizer.  All there was was a bloody trail down the side of the aircraft and a big dent where he made his last stand.
Admit it, you're James Bond, right?
Not that what happened to you is funny or anything, but that one would definitely qualify for a Darwin Award. I'm glad you're OK, but picturing the scenario is funny as hell to me..
Hilarious story; Glad you're o.k. I guess you can be glad the racoon didn't fall on your helmet....
about had that happen to me last summer. came upon a flock of turkey vultures .... dang things have a 5 ft wingspan
Glad you're ok but that has got to be one of the funniest stories I've ever read! Did you and the bike stink for the rest of the day?

So far the only animal I've ever hit with a bike was a bird which flew right through my front wheel...instantly liquified.

As long as we're on the subject of road kill, I had interesting one this week. Over the weekend I noticed the stench of death in my garage. Tore the place apart looking for a dead mouse but found nothing. Saturday I pulled the car out so I had more room to detail the Busa. Kept getting the death smell every so often but just couldn't find it. Sunday night, after 2 nice sunny 80+ degree days I pull the BLACK car into the garage. Step out of the car and oh crap it's coming from my car! Pop the hood and there it is...big dead gray cat wedged between the engine and firewall.
That ####### was jammed in there good. I pull the car back outside to get some fresh air and I'm gagging and near puking everytime I go to pull it out. I grabbed the head and it popped off and twisted around hanging by a thread of skin. Now I have two cloudy eye's staring back at me.
Thought I was going to have to remove the intake manifold and wondering how with that putrid stench.

I eventually grabbed it by the back and my hand went right through its body. I was able to pull it out by using its spine like a lunch box handle.
dayum...glad you're still up and riding Shin...that had the potential to be pretty disastrous.
Ya just can't make shid like that up. That's amazing.

Glad you're here to tell the tale.

Glad you're okay.
Good job keeping it under control through that mess.

Couldn't help but laugh thinking about how it must have looked.