always seems like im kicking quarter panels!!!

I removed the details...

I don't think my friend would want me posting this on the Internet..

[This message has been edited by Scott (edited 26 July 2000).]
I'm not a badass, although I haven't lost a fight in 21 years. I don't shoot speeders. You are probably much badder than I. I have no power trip. Pointing a firearm at someone else is a reaction to something. It has nothing to do with control. I pray that I never have to kill someone. I have been shooting since your parents were little kids.
Oops! looks like I make mistakes too. I guss I shouldn't talk to people about math until I get it down. I have been shooting for 31 years, not 21.
Young man, you have a lot to learn. Im not so sure you have enough time left to learn it though. Kicking cars and vans? Driving like a maniac through traffic and putting people's lives at risk? Punching mirrors? Im glad I don't live around you. You are giving responsible sport bike riders a bad, undeserved reputation. I think it sucks I have to pay insurance rates like I do because of someone like you. If you want to go fast,go out to a relativly unpopulated area with some buddys and do it under somewhat controlled coditions. If you want to see if your as fast as you think you are join WERA and bring your not knowin *** to the track. Then you will see how fast your NOT! However, it is a good, safe place to LEARN how to go fast properly. And you wont have to endanger peoples lives driving like a moron. If someone puts you in danger, slow down,get away from them and if your real mad report them to the nearest law enforcment officer you can find. Enough of this shooting,kicking ,weaving in and out of traffic bullsh!t. Act responsibly. Be a young man for a while. Don't cut your life short.

Not knowing a thing about your skill with a firearm, I was simply pointing out how few individuals could pull off that trick. As experienced as you are with weapons, you must know how few of your fellow shooters can (with any consistency) hit such a tough target....Hence the invention of automatic weapons :)

[This message has been edited by Scott (edited 26 July 2000).]
Rod, it was nice knowing you, but I think that your parents have failed to impart the skills and judgement in you that it takes to survive. You are on borrowed time.
I do pretty well, but I'm not the best around. Here's a good example: I can set up 5 one gallon milk jugs full of water at 100 yards, and off-hand from a standing position I can pop all five with my Pro-Point equipped M4 before the spray from the first one has landed. With 5 rounds. In total darkness. I smoked everybody in tactical drills (run-n-gun) in my academy. I am not good with submachine guns. I think that for a full sized man like me, a better tool is a 14" 870 entry gun. A 12 guage turns bad people into good people with much greater speed and reliability than a pistol caliber weapon ever will. I have put about 10,000 rounds of ammo (most of it supplied by the FBI) through an H&K MP5SD with built in silencer, an MP5/10 (10mm sub-gun), MP5 PDW (I'd rather use an E-tool), and an MP5A1 or MP5 Navy (supposed to be like the SEALs use) with a wet silencer. I think that it must take a lot more time with them than that to become truly proficient with the tool.

[This message has been edited by Kirk (edited 26 July 2000).]
yeah guess what, im not as crazy as you think.i just dont like stayin around when azzholes are already givin the finger. you never know what is gonna happen period. Just because im not a cop and dont get huge power trips you say im on borrowed time.I love cops that try to power trip. It seems like down in michigan their losing their jobs and everything they own now for stupid actions. Its about time.Just because you carry a gun doesnt mean your bad. I have heard that bullsht from cops before.I would like to see you shoot someone point blank range for no reason at all. or some pettystupid reason like speeding. cant do it. i know kids that have done it and wont think twice to do it to cops. thats my point.Do i think their "badd" fk no. i dont want anything to do with that sht. Most cases they have nothing to live for. Im sure you do , thats what it all comes down to when your waving your "mighty" gun in the air.Who's to say im not a local champion myself. Maybe ive been shooting since i was a little kid. I dont like talking about what i can do with a gun. Id rather talk about what i can do without it. it takes bigger balls to not carry one or use it than to depend on it kirk.(off duty)
Kirk, the MP5 is one of the best gun in the world,but I would stick with the 10mm version more stopping power. I have the SP89 civilian version and yes you can hit anything from 25 yards out to 100 yards with easy. I also can hit a 100 yard bulls eye with my mini-14 standard site no scope. But for all around I like my Dawoo 223 for short inside fire power and for the long range I like my G-3 "308" or my Uzi-45 works good also.But all around notthing beats a good 12 gadge shotgun,slug followed by bird, followed by slug followed by bird and backed up with a good 45cal.Shoot safe everyone and join the NRA.
c_rod2000 - I can relate to this topic! Last week out at Royal Oak I had a truck try to run me over. Well I punched his mirror after it broke it swung back and shattered his passenger windows. Needless to say I went bye bye real fast. Everything happened so fast, it was just pure reaction to hit his truck before I got ran over. Not to mention his mirror was ready to hit my Busa mirror!

Having shot several different combat match formats, I agree that they can't simulate gunfighting. I can't say that from firsthand experience and to tell you the much as I enjoy shooting, I have no desire to find out firsthand about gunfighting. Unfortunately, a few of my shooting friends have had the privilege (a Philly cop and DE State Trooper)...One guy actually was the victim of a "suicide by cop" if you're familar with that phrase.

Gotta agree with you and Cisco on my CQB choice of weapons....Combat shotguns are evil in the hands of an expert.

C_rod....I have yet to meet an experienced police officer who would want to shoot someone....Killing someone is a serious situation....My one friend mentioned above has never talked to me about that shooting and I'll never ask him, but I can tell you he sure as hell didn't enjoy it...The guy's kids and wife were right inside the hotel when it happened....Bad karma...
scott, it is good to know that someone else knows how serious it is. KIRK strikes me as a gun toting "im the sht, look at me or ill blow your head off cause i pack heat kind of guy!!!!" My point was anyone can pull that trigger. it takes a bigger man not to rely on that gun OFF DUTY.The funny thing is everyone that carries guns have this big protective feeling but guess what. The law protects the criminals. its sad but true. you should know this. So what is he going to shoot someone and go to jail for the rest of his life.
All right c_rod, I guess Ive got your attention. When you first started putting posts on this board, and everyone said you had no buisiness with a busa and that you were going to kill yourself, it was me who defended you and said "Hey! Nicky Hayden is only 18. Nuff said?" I know lots of young talented riders. But please, please dont ride like a dummy through traffic. It makes it tough on all of us, you included. And someone could get hurt, or even worse,killed. Theres families in some of those cars, trucks and vans. I almost get nailed daily. It makes me mad too. But I can do nothing about it on my bike. Smashing someones personal property can only lead to trouble. Or worse. Represent us all the best way you can. Ride responsably in public. Take it to the track when you really want to go fast!
ok warbird, i know you guys think im some hell raisin youth. Im really not. Do you think i would be able to afford this bike or let alone live this long on it if i was that stupid? When ever i talk about a "hit and run" whatever that is like 1% out of my riding all summer ect. i think i have done that twice since whenever it got nice enough to ride this year. Im not out thier thinkin everyones against me. Just sometimes it is hard to avoid.(especially when not provoking it)i get your point and kirks ect. i just felt like venting some anger about that sht on this site. nothing personall. I know one day i will prob. look back and think it was stupid.
"I know one day i will prob. look back and think it was stupid. "

I hope so

A mad rider is a dead rider.

Cool, calm, aware.

So what if they pull out. You saw it, you evaded it. You are better than them. No point getting all road ragey about it. It's happened. End of story.

As long as you can stay on 2 wheels, through all the mayhem and sh1t, you did good. Getting frustrated is NOT the way forward. While you are kicking a 1/4 pannel, someone could be pulling into your escape route.

Stay calm and stay alive.

They cannot comprehend your speed and closing velocity.

Presume they cannot see you, expect the worse. You will stay alive.

Thats what we are taught over in UK. All riders, from 50cc up have to have this teaching now BEFORE they can go on the road.
Its called Compulsory Basic Training (CBT)

since 1998, its reduced Motorbike accidents by over 80%......
first of all warbird i was not going fast. I know how to drive fast. Ill probably smoke your asse at the track. I used to have an all out dragbike before the busa. it is the easiest thing in the world to dragrace. (given to be like brock, and those guys you have to have practic)I could care less how good someone is out of the hole. i would rather see some of you old guys try some real stunts. You ever see las vegas extremes? try it.The stunts arent as hard as you might belive in your old age.If you cant read it seems like i was not the only one doin this, if im not mistaken gsxrboy is from MI and did this also. And he is a lot older than I. Oh yeah it aint my fault your gettin screwed on insurance. im way to young for the bike and my rates are really really cheap, in my name everything.all i can say is if you cant drive the bike like its meant to be drove, by a harley.I thought old guys were supposed to have hogs.