Great advice from everyone,
I suggest this. Your wife and yourself need to go through some hard times together. Doesn't have to be financial, health, etc. Could be something different, but it really needs to fall on one person more than the other. If you support each other and you get through that with no issues and you want kids, have them.
There will be nothing more brutalizing in this world to have kids and then start having troubles with the wife. You talk about stress, you will have it in spades. Children change everything, what was once important to your wife will change completely. She or you, may become a totally different person with different outlooks on life.
I don't mean that in a bad way, but it is something to be prepared for. Talk to her about how she thinks a child should be brought up. Is she for capital punishment? What does she think of sending little johnny / molly to a public / catholic / methodist / etc. school. Think of some things that might surprise you and react to it.
Write those things down, both of you, and don't show the other. Put the issues and problems you might face in a hat and draw one at a time. See what your reactions are. You may learn a lot that you didn't know about one another. Remember, raising a child is not a singular job, it is plural as in both of you. You won't decide everything for the child, nor will she. You MUST be in agreement on almost everything or you will have a helluva time.