Am I in the wrong here???

If the title is still in your name, the bike belongs to you no matter if he has registered it or not. Registration is not ownership nor is it proof of ownership. Your entitled to the bike without any return to him, he broke contract. If you've signed title over to him, the bike belongs to him in the eyes of the law. Good luck recovering the bike if the title has been transfered, small claims is your only route, and I'd worry if you'd agreed to cash payments with no record.
If the title is not transfered, he has no recoarse, you can take the bike back and burn it if you want.
Go get it if the title is yours, don't look back, your in the right, PERIOD!
I NEVER deal with friends !!! It almost always ends up bad. I was trading in my Jeep a few years ago, and a guy I knew wanted me to sell it to him for what they were going to give me on the trade. I told him I didn't feel comfortable selling a car to a friend.
4 months later another friend sold him his car. He told him he would pay him half, then make payments on it monthly, till it was paid off. Well the payments came for about 2 months, then it was one story after another. Until the car broke down, and he said "I know you don't expect me to pay the rest of that money now after it broke down, if I knew it was going to do that I would have never bought it".

He had the car for like 8 months, and put almost 12,000 miles on it.

This is the same cat that showed up at my apartment at 7:00 am. with 3 other guys on bikes and said "I came over to see if I could borrow your bike, we want to go to the beach until tommorow night". My Busa was 1 1/2 months old........YEAHHHHH RIIIIIGHT !!! He couldn't believe I said no.

How old is this guy you sold the bike to GOOD LUCK !!!!
It is your fault. He has a credit score of 400. His mom pays for everything. The whole situation was screaming "dirtbag" and you let him have the bike. Lots of errors. Oh well, live and learn. Never give them the bike until you have full payment. If they will not buy it under that agreement then they will never pay you anyway. Good Luck!
Good luck bro... I say you were simply too nice here... or if thats how you normally are all the time then you should n ot have been yourself with someone like that!
Taking payments is a bad move....I don't take them whether I keep the merchandise or not. Full cash price up front only, and never had a problem :thumbsup:
I NEVER deal with friends !!! It almost always ends up bad. I was trading in my Jeep a few years ago, and a guy I knew wanted me to sell it to him for what they were going to give me on the trade. I told him I didn't feel comfortable selling a car to a friend.
4 months later another friend sold him his car. He told him he would pay him half, then make payments on it monthly, till it was paid off. Well the payments came for about 2 months, then it was one story after another. Until the car broke down, and he said "I know you don't expect me to pay the rest of that money now after it broke down, if I knew it was going to do that I would have never bought it".

He had the car for like 8 months, and put almost 12,000 miles on it.

This is the same cat that showed up at my apartment at 7:00 am. with 3 other guys on bikes and said "I came over to see if I could borrow your bike, we want to go to the beach until tommorow night". My Busa was 1 1/2 months old........YEAHHHHH RIIIIIGHT !!! He couldn't believe I said no.

How old is this guy you sold the bike to GOOD LUCK !!!!

Man, some people have so much nerve that I fill embarrassed for them. I would never ever ask to borrow a friends bike not to mention just showing up and expecting the bike. I just don't understand that.
There's a reason "friends" want to make payments, or anyone for that matter. If they aren't dealing with a bank it's because their credit is in the crapper, they are irresponsible, and they have no business purchasing anything from anyone...

SO yeah, hope it all works out for you in court, but bums are bums for a reason.
Just repo the bike...

He either pays up in full and gets the bike back...or
You keep the bike and all monies paid...or
You guys settle it in win!!!!
It is a civil matter police will not do anything. You will have to take him to small claims court.
Posted via Mobile Device
That would suck azz, a friend rides your $hit for practically free, mucks it up, then you gotta go to court to get the wreckage back? Thats just plain raw man :poke: I hope somebody learns a lesson from this.
You have a few options, but the story is not quite clear.

1) Are you listed as the lienholder on the title? If yes, repo the bike. If no, and he is the owner, I think you are treading on thin ice if you take it back.
2) What does your three page contract say in the event of default?
3) What does the contract say about penalties?
4) Was the contract notarized?
5) Contract is with him and not the mom, you have no recourse against the mom right now.

Sounds like you can take him to small claims and win. I did it once and it was pretty easy. Biggest advice is show your evidence and keep your mouth shut.

Might also want to call the LEOs first and ask them if you can repo...

BTW - funny video! :laugh:
This story reminds me of the episode of "Pawn Stars" I saw last night where Chumlee buys a 1984 HD from his employer, and puts down $3000 towards a $7000+ purchase price and tells his boss he'll pay the balance in monthly installments. I hope they show an episode where where the owner takes the bike back because your friend sounds about as responsible as Chumlee.