If the title is still in your name, the bike belongs to you no matter if he has registered it or not. Registration is not ownership nor is it proof of ownership. Your entitled to the bike without any return to him, he broke contract. If you've signed title over to him, the bike belongs to him in the eyes of the law. Good luck recovering the bike if the title has been transfered, small claims is your only route, and I'd worry if you'd agreed to cash payments with no record.
If the title is not transfered, he has no recoarse, you can take the bike back and burn it if you want.
Go get it if the title is yours, don't look back, your in the right, PERIOD!
If the title is not transfered, he has no recoarse, you can take the bike back and burn it if you want.
Go get it if the title is yours, don't look back, your in the right, PERIOD!