Beautiful dog Fallen.
Yer using a Webber IGrill. It that one of them new-fangled BBQ's that you use voice commands from yer iPhone to tell it "Med.-Rare" via bluetooth.
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Very cool. I have a pile of old two by fours soaked in gasoline with a rusty oven rack for a grill.
@jellyrug thanks for the brain teaser. Whenever I meet new people (women) and their dogs I always play "Guess the Breed" with them. No shi7,I am 98% accurate. I love contests...and I want that pen. Juliette does not appear to have really stand out characteristics like a lot of breeds. She is a beautiful dog,but doesn't have easy to spot tell tail (LOL) signs. You wouldn't dump a Heinz-57 dog on us to guess,that would be near its a pure bred. The closest breed she resembles,I think the Retriever family.Is she a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever...
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With Org contests you have to be so clear on the rules...hehehe...because things get picked apart. 10 guesses you say...well,they could all be mine then right. Muhahaha...OK...I have my OCD
mostly under control...I'm only gonna throw 4 or 5.....
hours at this.
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