Update. Sister got the money to pay the taxes, and the settlement money on the foreclosure on her house. Don't know how, but it looks like the house is safe for a while.
But keep her in your thoughts, I don't know how long she will be off from work, due to the surgery.
Also, the youngest boy will have some work done soon also. He was born with a "beauty mark" on his nose. Red, so with the kids nowadays he is getting made fun of being called Roudolph. I'm sure it is hard for him, but hopefully it will get taken care of soon.
Husband has a ton of sick time saved up, but said he will not take it off to help them because they are short handed at work.
Time when he should be with his family he is worried about that.
Looks like I'll have to go back to the dentist today if I can get it. The pain is killing me and the left side of my face is very swollen. It's now reached my eye and I don't want to take any chances. Hopefully I'll get some better drugs though. He already had me start doubling up on the ones I have now, and it still doesn't even mask the pain any.
But thank you everyone. Your support for them will help greatly.