Another busa rider tragedy


Well, got called into work on a fatal crash involving a motorcyclist today at around 16:00 hrs.Got off at the scene being a crash investigator with the police motorcycle squad, only to discover it was a 28 year old male riding a hayabusa. Quick senero of the crash was that the motorcyclist was traveling west bound on the roadway in the middle lane of a three lane highway, when a van who was also traveling in the same direction in the right lane, cut in front of the motorcyclist to avoid a disabled motor vehicle who was broken down in the right lane, and at that point the motorcyclist merged into the right lane to go around the van not knowing there was a disabled motor vehicle broke down and attempted to slow down, leaving skid marks and then bailed off the bike and struck the rear bumper of the vehicle with his head, which killed him instantly. The bike jumped the curb avoiding hitting the car and eventually came to rest on it's left side approximately 160ft west of the crash. Can not release any more info on the crash due to security reason's and that the case is still active. So please be very careful and alert out there because there are alot of idiot's on the road, and it is always very depressing responding to these crashes involving motorcyclist being the owner of a 1999 and a 2008 hayabusa. The city is a tough place to ride with all the obstacle's, I know riding a police motorcycle 8 hrs a day. Well just wanted to share this tragedy with all the wonderful members of this outstanding and most helpful org that I know, so ride safe and please be carful out there,and god bless.
damn shame,seen the same thing happen about 6months ago on I95,broken down car in the right lane (no shoulder at this perticular area)guy who owned it was sitting on the barrier(100'+ drop) a van went from center lane to right lane to pass,plowed into the car and the guy sitting on the side,him and the car went over the rail,van flipped with about 5 ppl inside,they had to use the jaws of life to gut the roof open to get everyone out...crazy how one simple thing like breaking down can lead to such a tragedy..
That's scary. I'm 28 and just got my busa, too.


I stopped riding fast about 3 years ago. Now I just cruise in the right lane and never pass anyone. If I can see a mile ahead with no obstructions I might gun it a little, but that's about it.