another pilot power user


i had a set of powers put on last night. they only have 60 miles on them, but so far they seem pretty good. only thing i noticed is that between 4000-4500 rpms, i have this vibration that just wants 2 numb the hell out of my feet.
ill be doing soem canyon carving friday, so ill be able 2 REALLY test the out!
I love my Pilot Powers so far and dont think I'll go back to anything else unless Michelin comes out with something better
On the Busa i only have a slight vibration at 4600-4700 (only about a 100 rpm range) smooth everywhere else, funny thing my 1000 is almost the same.
i had a set of powers put on last night.  they only have 60 miles on them, but so far they seem pretty good.  only thing i noticed is that between 4000-4500 rpms, i have this vibration that just wants 2 numb the hell out of my feet.  
  ill be doing soem canyon carving friday, so ill be able 2 REALLY test the out!  

If you never noticed the vibrations the Busa engine has @ 4-5K until now then you will never noticed the performace gain on your new Pilot Powers.

i had a set of powers put on last night.  they only have 60 miles on them, but so far they seem pretty good.  only thing i noticed is that between 4000-4500 rpms, i have this vibration that just wants 2 numb the hell out of my feet.  
  ill be doing soem canyon carving friday, so ill be able 2 REALLY test the out!  

If you never noticed the vibrations the Busa engine has @ 4-5K until now then you will never noticed the performace gain on your new Pilot Powers.
ive always known about the vibration at those rpms. im sure its cause ive been driving the camaro which is on slicks and skinnies and havent been on the bike in a good month-6 weeks, then going from a tire that had the wear bar showing to a NEW tire. i already notice the bike likes 2 "hold" the ground alot more then i remember the stock tires did. they have about 100 miles on them now, and i have pretty much skuffed enough of the tire. now ill have 2 wait till firday

Be careful...LOL!!!...I wound up gaining so much confidence in the extreme stick factor of my new pilot powers that I actually started gett'in a little stupid and careless of how I was tossing it over in the curves and tight corners REAL hard...and just last week I ran up to the corner store and went to show off my leaning abilities coming out of a left hand turning lane making a left through a 6 lane intersection and...well...I finally pushed my rear pilot low enough and hard enough to cause it to break loose and...crossed it up right there in the middle of the lefty through the intersection...thought I was gonna eat tar in front of god and everybody for a second there but dumped the throttle..rear tire caught...then yanked the bars and...miraculously she straightened back out and stood right back up for me...but there was a moment there that...well....let's just say I wouldn't have bet on myself.

So...I pulled in the gas station...bought and drank my sweet I stood there in shock that I DIDN'T dump it..then cautiousely rode home and changed my bvd's....and going back through that intersection I looked hard hoping I'd see some oil or coolant or...something...but alls there was was a huge sweeping black the onlookers thought I could ride my @$$ off...if they only knew.

So...don't get to overly confident on'em like I did....cause it's easy to do.

L8R, Bill.

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I tried a set of powers. Had them on for two weeks and one track day. They were pretty good track tires but for street riding they just didn't suit my fancy. I took them off and gave them to a friend and went back to BTO14's. The 14's seem to be just as good on the track and a much better street tire, for me anyway.

Two things I didn't like about the powers. One, the casings are paper thin and they squirm under a load, especially during hard braking. Two, the race profile is too agressive for street use. Especially if you enjoy wheelies. The center of that puppy is peaked like the top of a cabin in snow country!