Another rider goes down, but NOT out!

Well we know Derrick is going to be ok. As far as his, nothing a good washing & some new mirrors won't fix. She'll clean right up.
Noticed the tank bag stayed on :laugh: :thumbsup:
Well we know Derrick is going to be ok. As far as his, nothing a good washing & some new mirrors won't fix. She'll clean right up.
Noticed the tank bag stayed on :laugh: :thumbsup:

Nuh-uh... Tank bag on? ...not so much :laugh:

Anyway, I'm going to send you a link to a thread by PM that has the pix you might be seeking...:beerchug:
Well the DR gave me good and bad news. Good news is that if the swelling goes down and the bone does NOT separate I will not need surgery. Bad news is that I tore all the ligaments on the inside of my right ankle. So with that being said, all is good right now. I am very glad that things are as good as they are and not nearly as bad as they could have been.

Thank you all for the well wishes and for the offer of help. Trust me here the help is needed and very welcome. Aussiekeeper is going to pick up Imelda for me and drive her ALL THE WAY TO BAKERSFIELD for me. Scar has been able to work out a deal with Fun Bike to help me out also. Lamb, I will be getting a hold of you on modifying my rear break lever to prevent this from happening again.

I will be looking for some plastics soon to purchase so I can get Imelda all fixed up good as new.

Once again, thank you to the .oRg for all the great people willing to step up and help me out! To me the well wishes mean just as much as the physical offers. Thank you all so very much!

I'll pray your swelling goes down & things work out the best for you. Awesome to see you have a great support crew helping you out.
Hopefully your ankle heals quickly. Sorry to see you and your bike took a bad flight. The bike looks better than it could have been. If I had parts to help with I would send them.
Great pics Bubba. The picture with Derrick sitting next to his bike is like 2 best friends.

Yes, I was thinking the same thing, I am glad someone else noticed. He loves the bike much!
We will have to ride again more often, you are an awesome rider in the twisties!:beerchug: and you have great roads in your area.:thumbsup:
I am glad to hear that things are not as bad as they could have been. It was good riding with you bro! We will all have to get together again and do some more riding when you get healed up and the scoot back in shape. I will keep you in my prayers. Take care bro! Ken:thumbsup: