I dont know how much of an electronicz wiz you are or if a company makes one but here is my idea.
Mercury switch or motion detection switch wired to a pre paid phone that is hard wired and hidden on your bike so the battery stays charged.
If the bike detects motion it dials your phone number.
Ive heard of this being done and also the prepaid with a GPS tracking hidden on the bike.
The reason they use prepaid is your not charged a monthly fee like lojack.
GOOGLE it with keywords DIY PREPAID GPS PHONE CAR Motorcycle ALARM
Mercury switch or motion detection switch wired to a pre paid phone that is hard wired and hidden on your bike so the battery stays charged.
If the bike detects motion it dials your phone number.
Ive heard of this being done and also the prepaid with a GPS tracking hidden on the bike.
The reason they use prepaid is your not charged a monthly fee like lojack.
GOOGLE it with keywords DIY PREPAID GPS PHONE CAR Motorcycle ALARM