any 1 new to riding

insertoriginaljokehere, please wear gloves at least! get some cool ones.... your hands WILL get sweaty and you WILL lose grip. THAT will WILL lead to trouble. If you must ride gearless, wear helmet and gloves. thank you, come again.
Not to start an argument but.. the grips on the Busa are practically identicle to the ones on my Katana 750.. if it's a problem I will pick up a set, but I don't think it will be. . . we rarely hit 100 degrees.
If I'm going for a short ride I wear my helmet and gloves, T shirt and Levis.

But if I'm going to be zippin' up the canyon it doesn't matter if it's 110 deg., I wear ALL my gear.
I don't mind if it's hot...
insertoriginaljokehere, please wear gloves at least! get some cool ones.... your hands WILL get sweaty and you WILL lose grip. THAT will WILL lead to trouble. If you must ride gearless, wear helmet and gloves. thank you, come again.
Not to start an argument but.. the grips on the Busa are practically identicle to the ones on my Katana 750.. if it's a problem I will pick up a set, but I don't think it will be. . . we rarely hit 100 degrees.
You ever had a tiny rock hit your hand while riding?  Without gloves, you WILL let go period.  Not to mention hard bugs!

Wear gloves...   'Nuff said.
BTW - riding without gear is like climbing without a rope. Sure you can get away with it... But, one day... Fate will sneak up behind you and bite your ASS!

Remember Murphy's Law? If you ride without gear, that is when you will go down.

With that said, I agree with what Big O said... If I am going to 7-11, or my dad's place (1 mile away) and there are no highways, twisties, high-speed sections, and I am riding casual, sometimes I will go without a jacket.
Alright guys.. still barely over 300 miles on my Busa (damn rain).

But since I'm new to the Busa I'll put in my pocket change..

When I first started riding (6+ years ago now.. just after I turned 17), I was always wearing my gear.. jacket, gloves, helmet (required by law here in MA). But after a couple months and some 90+ degree days.. that was short lived. Off came the jacket, off came the gloves..

I think I'll be the same with the Busa.. Probably still wear long pants since we got duals.. but I'm sure I'll be sporting a T-Shirt and no gloves if summer ever arrives.

I know it's dangerous. But to be honest.. having to gear up with all this leather when it's 90+ (or even 80+) out is not riding to me... it's just asking for heat stroke.

That's just how I see things.. and I know I'm younger than pretty much anyone on the board..

Mind you.. I won't be lifting up the front end in a T-shirt and shorts..
Dude, I know you may not listen, but hell I never used to listen either. BUT I gotta say it... If you wear only ONE piece of safety gear, assuming a helmet has already been canned because it's Not <span style='color:royalblue'>Biker Boyz</span>Friendly ( Just hassling yah) and assuming your wearing eye protection cause it's the law...GET THE BEST GLOVES YOU CAN AFFORD AND WEAR THEM!!!

Your hands are allmost allways the first things to hit the ground, it's just reflex. Even a slow 20MPH off will hurt a bit and peel some skin. At 60MPH you hands will be destroyed, were talking about potential loss of dexterity (which will upset the girlfriend) potential loss of feeling, and as you get older hands that have seen alot of abuse do nothing but start hurting...Man, gloves are cheap... Check out Joe Rockets Phoenix Glove with the Aluminum Knuckles and short Gauntlet. They flow lots of Air and actually look pretty cool without leathers. They are not the best, but they are well made and comfortable. With the short gauntlet like I mentioned they still look OK without leathers.

I know "Listen to this old dude harping"...But just give it some thought will you bro? Your head is most important...not that one...followed by hands, because they are pretty fragile...

OK One last thing then I will shut the hell up and go back to my corner and grumble like a friggen Mother Hen...

Heatstroke is more likely to occur when your skin isn't covered. I know sounds bassackwords but Centuries of Bedouins cannot be wrong. Riding in High heat uncovered allows the sun to get directly to you and the hot wind roaring past will dry you out even faster than if you were geared up.

How are you liking the Busa? Any follow up impressions?

Later Bro...

Good Stuff...And a good point with the heat coming...Though in all honesty I don't really know if BC gets really...Hot.  

Tampa/Southern Florida...Well OK the Entire South gets miserable...high 90's and High Humidity...  I miss home, Colorado at about 6000 ft.  Summer High 85-90 tops, almost no Humidity...
it was hot today Rev . That kinda hot where you wanna close yer visor 'cause the heats makin' yer eyes hurt . You want humidity...I live on an island ...yuk
You know I had no Idea BC could really get hot. But yeah you got me on the humidity thing...I sorta forgot.

Hey, does the spraying yourself with water work when the humidity is really high?
How are you liking the Busa? Any follow up impressions?
That Busa's good stuff..
I can't give my full opinion on it just yet because, as I said, I have barely gone over 300 miles on it so far. But so far, it has gobs of power that I have yet to even touch since I'm still breaking it in and don't go over 5k rpm often.

I most always ride with a helmet because, as I said, it's the law in MA. On occasion when I go out of state I'll take it off for a few just foir a different feeling but usually it stays on. When I went down to FL for bike week 2002, I went the entire week without a helmet (heh, weather sucked so I only really went anywhere on my old Katana two days). I think that if it wasn't required by law I'd still wear one because it's more comfortable and definitely safer from bugs and rocks and such.

I guess I have been lucky though and rarely get hit with large rocks off people's tires (I stay a safe distance back so that probably helps).. I'm sure it'd hurt like a bastard, not doubting that.. just been lucky so far. Maybe I'll look into some of these gloves you've suggested and see just how cool they can be by letting the wind in.

Alright, commence flaming me..
Hey, does the spraying yourself with water work when the humidity is really high?
Nope, and neither does sweating ... If humidity reaches 90 - 100% the air is to moist to absorb any more water. Result: the energy that is normally drained from your skin to vaporize the moisture is kept IN the water on your skin. Kinda like sitting in a hot bath ... You're actually better off keeping yourself DRY in such a weather ...
How are you liking the Busa? Any follow up impressions?
That Busa's good stuff..
 I can't give my full opinion on it just yet because, as I said, I have barely gone over 300 miles on it so far.  But so far, it has gobs of power that I have yet to even touch since I'm still breaking it in and don't go over 5k rpm often.

I most always ride with a helmet because, as I said, it's the law in MA.  On occasion when I go out of state I'll take it off for a few just foir a different feeling but usually it stays on.  When I went down to FL for bike week 2002, I went the entire week without a helmet (heh, weather sucked so I only really went anywhere on my old Katana two days).  I think that if it wasn't required by law I'd still wear one because it's more comfortable and definitely safer from bugs and rocks and such.

I guess I have been lucky though and rarely get hit with large rocks off people's tires (I stay a safe distance back so that probably helps)..  I'm sure it'd hurt like a bastard, not doubting that..  just been lucky so far.  Maybe I'll look into some of these gloves you've suggested and see just how cool they can be by letting the wind in.

Alright, commence flaming me..  
Hell Bro I am not going to do any flaming at all... I just sorta made the wrong assumption regarding your helmet use, my bad...

I wear a helmet about 99% of time, and this is sort of embarrassing but you want to know why? Shyness, yep, I just plain ole' feel naked sitting in traffic with all the heads swiveling around to look at the bike without some way to hide. Mirrored visor on the Arai is a life saver. I know folks are generally just looking at the bike but it creeps me out anyway.

Road crap is the other reason. Especially in Florida the bugs are just thick, the idea of riding around with all that bug juice on my face keeps me reaching for my lid.

Well cool, try out the Phoenix gloves, I find them light weight and pretty comfortable. They fit alot like those "Mechanix" gloves you see around. Just wear them everytime you ride for a week or two and see if you can adapt. It will take some time but after a little while you will start to feel a bit naked without em'...well, maybe...

Hey on more question while I am mother henning your ass...How did your insurance situation work out? Did you find someone reasonable?

Hey on more question while I am mother henning your ass...How did your insurance situation work out?  Did you find someone reasonable?
In MA, we have laws which standardize insurance cost per year.. This means that the price from one insurance company to another is practically the same depending on their commission changes.

Turns out that my Busa will now cost me ~$1450 a year where as my 2001 Katana 750 cost me $1050 per year.
Not too much of an increase considering it is "technically" my primary insuranced form of transportation so it takes the hits from all of my surcharges. (two accidents when I was younger which were my fault)

I was nervous about that for sure though.. I thought the cut off for "low" insurance prices was 750cc rating.. but it's 650 so that's probably why it didn't go up much.
Well That stings a little but not as bad as I was expecting. Pretty cool of them to standardize rates...huge bonus...

When you hit 25 you should see a decent drop then again at 30 a little. Get married and buy a house and then they really drop...Kinda funny how they seem to think married guys are more sedate...
Hey, does the spraying yourself with water work when the humidity is really high?
Nope, and neither does sweating ... If humidity reaches 90 - 100% the air is to moist to absorb any more water. Result: the energy that is normally drained from your skin to vaporize the moisture is kept IN the water on your skin. Kinda like sitting in a hot bath ... You're actually better off keeping yourself DRY in such a weather ...
Yeah that was pretty much what I figured...then you are just hot and wet.

Bah, I miss Colorado, allmost no humidity 90% of the time. Spray some water on yourself and it's like jumping into the cooler. Good stuff.
Gear up for hot weather! I have the Fieldshear Titanium Air jacket. It is cooler in the summer with the jacket on (98+ degrees and 90% humidity). Air flow through the jacket is excellent to put it mildly. Also your skin is out of the direct sun light. Last year I never wore sun screen under the jacket and never came home with a burn. I did several 300-400 mile days even during the peak heat of summer. You can also soak your shirt before putting your jacket back on. This works great also.

As far as kick stand blocks go. I took a electrical junction box cover and cut it down to a 2x2 square. I made 2 of them. One I keep in the shed for when she isn't parked on the stands and one in the hump for when it's questionable. Keeping your head cool? Water in your helmet with the vents open works good. I am also going to try one of those bandanas that I've seen hikers using. One that you soak in water and it swells up. At speed this should be kept plenty cool. You will probably just have to soak it when you get something to drink though. When I am back to work I intend to get a gell seat. When we stop for lunch I will buy an $.89 bag of ice and sit it on the seat. After lunch there will be enough melted ice (water) to cool the inside of the helmet. As far as gloves go, I have the Icon Ti-Max shorts. I am amazed at how much air actualy flows through these. I think I'll put up with hot hands no matter what though.

Not gearing up: Back when I was young, dumn, and full of crap a friend wanted me to teach him how to wheelie. Before going out to meet a couple of girls at the bar (yes 2 and yes it was planned) I hopped on his bike with (denim) cakis, a 3 botton shirt, and cheap shoes. Well I hit the ground at about 70 or so. In the insuing (sp) slide I blistered both palms 1.5"-2" diameter wearing a small hole in both. (Keep in mind my hands are very unique. I can wet sand your car with them. I can't touch my wifes legs if she is wearing panythose. Very rough and very thick skin. I have to be carefull when I wash the bike to keep the diapers over my palms) I split my pants at the zipper ripping the stiching out from the base of the zipper past the button. Fortunately I was wearing a belt or my pants would have fallen off. My right arm was road rashed from my elbow to my palm. Fortunately I kept my head in the game through the whole ordeal. I hit hard enough to shread my ACL, the miniscus - top and bottom, and tear the medial and colateral ligiments and tendons in my right knee. I also chipped my femur at the knee. My pants were old and didn't wear through neither did the shirt. I had started foreward and pushed myself over onto my back which is why I blistered my hands. I watched the bike come over without a rider. I got lucky and my head never touched the ground. Just try and use crutches with blisters across 90% of your palms.

Now I don't like to leave the house without suiting up. 7.5 hours of surgery and 15" of scars tends to do that to you. I do how ever ride to the bank or minor local running with just golves. Very rarely though. (2-3 times a year).

I got lucky! The price some pay is much worse. I've seen guys rasberried across most of their upper torso from wearing a T-shirt.


Alright guys.. still barely over 300 miles on my Busa (damn rain).

But since I'm new to the Busa I'll put in my pocket change..

When I first started riding (6+ years ago now.. just after I turned 17), I was always wearing my gear.. jacket, gloves, helmet (required by law here in MA).  But after a couple months and some 90+ degree days.. that was short lived.  Off came the jacket, off came the gloves..

I think I'll be the same with the Busa.. Probably still wear long pants since we got duals.. but I'm sure I'll be sporting a T-Shirt and no gloves if summer ever arrives.

I know it's dangerous.  But to be honest.. having to gear up with all this leather when it's 90+ (or even 80+) out is not riding to me... it's just asking for heat stroke.

That's just how I see things.. and I know I'm younger than pretty much anyone on the board..

Mind you.. I won't be lifting up the front end in a T-shirt and shorts..
I would say that leather is not a must. When it is really hot out I am in my mesh jacket. Hardly know its there but it will protect better than nothing. Check out Joe Rocket.

Marc "Howlin Mad"
Mine is armored and I haven't heard of anyone complaining about it melting into their skin. Hey its your life if you don't want to wear anything then enjoy your ride and be safe.

Marc "Howlin Mad"
When it is really hot out I am in my mesh jacket. Hardly know its there but it will protect better than nothing. Check out Joe Rocket.

Marc "Howlin Mad"
funny you should mention those marc....look what rubber brought home today .

No....I'm not gonna hit the twisties with...

No...its not for the strip....

Its for when I have the lovely ladies on board , an they wanna go downtown at 6 pm when its 90 out , like today .
When I have a girl on back , I rarely do 5 over the posted limit . This jackie is gr8 . It'll do the job if need be .

Use em for what their designed for....
