Any chess players on the board...


SoCal Busa
Donating Member
Started, and of course let my skills evolve. What do you Ladies & Gents say?

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This is a 'Busa board, not a nerdy board!

(Chess Club.....jeez!)
On an episode of My Name Is Earl they were talking about chess and Randy (Earl's brother) said That's like checkers for smart people!
My brother does, but he uses another chess program to beat the PANTS off people online. Which is just wrong on so many levels to me...

I've stopped thinking off hours since I work on computers all day, or else I would LOVE to play chess online
I play,but not very well thou since my accident  
dont let RUB bs you, he whips my ass everytime we play, and i mean bad.... his accident bla bla, made his brain sharper than a friggen razor.

I was suspecting that as well...
I wish I could play,I guess I do just...OK.

There is a guy in my city,dont know his name but,he sets up 4 or 5 boards on a street corner downtown,plays all five games at once against whoever want to challenge.Dont recall seeing him lose the day I watched.He plays fast too.As fast as all the oponants.

Mad Skillz.
