Any health nuts here?


In October I weighed about 227 and wore size 42-43 pants, and now I weigh about 178 and wear size 35-36 pants. I'm about 6'1-6'2. I haven't exercised at all, but did cut down on my calorie intake somewhat. I'd say I consume about 2000-3000 calories a day, including a beer or two in the evenings. I know I was eating alot more prior to October, but I haven't weighed less than 200 pounds for the last 6 years. I continue to lose weight, but slowly it seems.

To be honest, I'm a little concerned about this weight loss. It seems to be alot of loss in a short time, but since I'm such a novice in the health sciences, I don't know if this is normal or not. I haven't been this thin since I was 18 (I'm now 25). Does this sound normal to you guys?
Nope! I'm 52 after Christmas I weighed about 219(I'm 5'11"). I decided to loose some weight and also I got back into lifting weights. Since then I've lost 8 pounds and can't seem to loose any more. Soooo maybe you should see your Doctor.  
Yeah...a visit to the doc might not be bad maoz...for peace of mind anyway...that's a lot of weight in a short period of're feeling okay otherwise?
You wouldn't happened to have started smokin' those little white rocks along with the decrease in caloric intake now would you?
If so, that may be the cause to all your woes.

On a more serious note: A lifestyle change can cause this to happen. Lifestyle changes is a more subtle way to say "diet." A sudden diet in watching caloric intake and sticking steadfast to it makes this quite possible. If you continue, and the weight comes off more slowly...maybe 3 lbs per week...that would be quite normal and is possible. But if you're still losing closer to 6 or 7 lbs per week, then you should definitely be concerned. My suggestion to you would be to stay off the crack...

I was just bullshittin' and you know this maaaann!!!



You wouldn't happened to have started smokin' those little white rocks along with the decrease in caloric intake now would you?
  If so, that may be the cause to all your woes.

On a more serious note:  A lifestyle change can cause this to happen.  Lifestyle changes is a more subtle way to say "diet." A sudden diet in watching caloric intake and sticking steadfast to it makes this quite possible.  If you continue, and the weight comes off more slowly...maybe 3 lbs per week...that would be quite normal and is possible.  But if you're still losing closer to 6 or 7 lbs per week, then you should definitely be concerned.  My suggestion to you would be to stay off the crack...

I was just bullshittin' and you know this maaaann!!!


Oh yeah...I forgot that crack does that to you!


Yeah I've you've dramatically cut down on eating and are counting the calories then you could drop the pounds. But if memomory serves me correctly its 3500 calories for every pound. If you've really cut down eating and have become alot more active its possible. But it never hurts to have a physical once a year !
Yeah, thanks guys - I think I might get a physical just for piece of mind. And Charles - I thought it was crank that takes off the pounds? You've had experience with this huh?
Sounds like you are in a good weight range for your height!  Congratulations
 A change in diet does crazy things especially if you've cut it down to 2000 to 3000 calories a day for your size.  The initial weight loss is actually the quickest but seems to slowly taper off after time.  Once your body gets used to knowing what supply of food it receives, it starts to eat away at the 'reserves'.  

For myself, my changes included a protein shake in the morning with soy milk, and ate a piece of fruit every 2 hours regardless of being hungry or not.  Also made sure I drank 64oz of water a day (filled up a double gulp cup from 7Eleven in the morning at work and finished it by end of 8hr day).  At a regular meal during lunch and dinner.  End of day i would do 20minutes of cardio on the cross-trainer (cross-country-ski type machine) and my regular weight training I had been doing for years.   Nothing seemed to be happening until after 2 weeks of doing this routine, then all of a sudden i was dropping weight 10lbs/month!  I found i was eating smaller portions and eating regularly instead of eating when I was hungry.  When I ate irregularly and having one or two big meals instead of paced "snacks", i found my body storing more even though it seemed i was eating less...   Eating regularly actually speeds up your metabolism a lot.

I am 5'9" and used to weigh 208lbs in Feb '03 and worked out for years.  By May '03 I lost 25lbs down to 183lbs and have been +/- few lbs from there ever since.  I was a tight 36 waist and am now a relaxed 32.

If your weight loss is tapering off, and you don't feel sickly or weak
I'd say you are doing well.  But of course, if you are concerned, you're better off talking to your family doctor like people suggest just for the peace of mind.  Never hurts to get a checkup


Iced - thanks for the detailed information about your situations, that is really helpful and does put my mind at ease. It is tapering off, so I am pretty sure there is nothing to be worried about. I've never lost any weight before so I was a little concerned after losing so much. Thanks again to everyone for the advice and opinions
Wow that's a lot of weight lost for not being on a strict diet and not exercising, best thing is to get a checkup and make sure everything is ok.

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I am dealing with the same thing that Iced is. I used to lift all of the time and then got a hernia, broke my right should socket, got a labral tear in the left shoulder, fractured L5 vertabrate. So I could not work out any more. I was 5'11" and about 172-175. I weghed myself last week and was 205lbs. So I just started eating every couple of hours, and lifting lite weights again, my shoulders are alot better now. Since this past saturday I have dropped down from 205 to 201. So it is strating to work.
Oh Ya, Maoz when I first started working out (2 years ago) I went from 186 to 161 in 3 weeks. I was eating every couple of hours but I was eating chicken and turkey and very low carbs. I am doing it kind of like that now but I am eating more carbs.