You know RSD the Best gifts come from the heart and are personal. I know you know this. Here's my point...
All throughout the year your Mouse has most likely said at one point or another "I'd really like to have..." or " I really like...".
Doesn't have to be expensive might be something silly, but if it shows that you've been paying attention, and that she is important to you? Then it doesn't matter if it cost 15 cents.
Examples: Couple of years ago My better half had mentioned that she "Loves the feel of dimes" so weird as it was, come her Birthday she got a wooden cigar box with $200 worth of dimes in it. She Loved it and occasionally I'll still hear her running her hands through them.
This year for Christmas? Well she likes Orchids but somehow manages to kill them. It's been a source of frustration for her. So, I bought her a Swarovski Silver Crystal Orchid thing that combines her love of Sparkly stuff with a desire for Orchids. It will also parlay nicely into a gift for "us" cause we are going to have to finally break down and get a curio cabinet. So it's a Win-Win.
Best part is that she's 100% in the dark. Sure she had some things on her list, but that's not much fun.
What I am driving at bro, is sit down for minute, relax and think about things she has said over the last year. She treats you like a king so now it's time for you to figure out what it is your Queen would really like...
Otherwise, Make it sparkly, make it personal, and call it good.