Anybody ever get sick while exercising?

sounds like just poor hydration and/or improper diet...if u didnt notice symptoms 2-3 days prior to excercise, and the 'sickness' disappeared directly after??? then you're fine bro:thumbsup:

get back in there n start throwin' iron, just slow down a bit.
b safe dont do more till cleared by physician

Amen to this! Dont take this lightly stay on your doctor to find the problem especialy if you were experiencing the rapid heart rate!!!

Two years ago I was working out three or four times a week and every now and then I would get simular symptoms heart racing, the shakes, upset stomach, shortness of breath and such. I went to my family doc but by then I felt fine and even went through a stress test and they found nothing! but it continued on over the next couple of months but only every now and then maybe once every couple of weeks! After about three months of this I was at work one day and after walking from one end of the facility to the other I collapsed they rushed me to the hospital and thought I was having a heart attack. They did a heart cath and found my heart was healthy as a horse but I got lucky and even though I was feeling better my heart doc wouldnt give up until he figured out what was going on.

He ordered a whole battery of tests and while I was still in the hospital I started feeling really bad again. What he found was that I had a large blood clot that had formed behind my left knee and what was making me sick was that pieces of it were breaking off causing multiple pulinary embelism's. This is what was making me sick but by the time I would get to my doc my body would clear the small pice of clot and I would feel fine.I spent two weeks in the icu unit and at one point was read my last rights as they thought I wouldnt make it through the night. I credit my heart doc with saving my life because if he had let me go home he said I would have more than likely died in my sleep.

Dont mean to ramble on but just dont take these kind of symptoms lightly get checked out and find out what is causing your heart to race. If your doc isnt getting anywhere find another who will it can make all the difference
I've definately puked on the bike, I've spread my chunks all around the 24 hrs of Canaan and Snowshoe. I proudly wear a shirt that says "Squat til you puke!", sidenote: YMCA's freak out when you puke in their trash cans, the whole bloodborne pathogen thing I guess. I don't work out there anymore. But like many others I have generally lossed it after a heavy legs day. Back around January I started having some knee pain (finally diagnosed with a meniscus tear, that's why I sometimes have trouble bending my knee in the video) and stopped lifting for about 3 months and totally got out of shape on the cardio side of things so I got an itching one night and did this
My theory is it has more to do with blood sugar/glycogen stores and nutrition from that day than anything else. Recently got the clear to start training again and the second day of cardio, you guessed it, Ralph came a knockin'. But no chunks in 11 weeks!
I have an on again off again relationship with the gym. I had been going for the past couple weeks, mainly doing cardio exercises.

Tonight however I got on the treadmill and started jogging and I could only do it for a couple minutes before my heart started pounding and I started feeling real sick like I was gonna vomit kinda sick. I didnt throw up but I still feel kinda weak.

This has happened to me a couple times before. Once about 5 years ago at a gym and once a few years ago riding a bicycle. The 2nd time it happened was much worse though and I actually thew up and blacked out because of it for a minute.

This ever happened to anybody else? My heart rate was up in the 160's when it happened. Im 27 years old 5'11 and about 175 pounds. I tend to get heart palpitations alot. That has been brought to my doc's attention. But he couldnt find anything "wrong" persay.

I actually have a physical scheduled with my doctor in a couple weeks so im sure I will know wear I stand then but. But im just looking for opinions in the mean time.

Oh BTW, Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!

:rofl: That's how you know when you're at the half way point... Not prior military? You go till you heave and feel like you're going to die, then you gut out the rest of the run... FUN!

OK, more to the point I've had the exact some experience and although I am not Hypoglycemic, both times this has happened have been when I haven't had any or enough carbs prior to working out. We get so busy and wrapped up that ya sometimes forget to cover the basics...

Try this, eat very little or at least very few carbs and then hit the treadmill or whatever but have some Gator Aid or a Snickers etc handy... Soon as you start feeling all messed up and sick, stop and drink or eat something sugary, within just 60 seconds or couple of minutes you should feel much much better, almost a rush if it is indeed low carbs/low blood sugar. FWIW.


You're sick.
i've only blown chunks on squat day or when running, no other exercise ever put me over the top even though there have been plenty of times when i felt like it was going to happen at any point...the heart thing is another matter though...if you have worked out long and hard enough in the past, you know the difference between when you do and don't feel normal...if something is going on that isn't directly caused by exhaustion then get it checked out...the result of ignoring some problems could be deadly
Heavy aerobic exercise has long been known to cause nausea/vomiting. If you were only going for a couple of minutes, there must be an underlying cause. That said, it is perfectly normal for many folks to get nauseas from vigorous excercise.

I would agree with others here that you should definitely discuss it with your doc and be persistant about getting some kind of answer on the matter. At the same time, it may just be something that is part of your experience from time to time and you simply need to have a plan for coping when the condition arises.

Best of luck!
Back in the early years, when I was playing hockey, every squat session at the gym would require a puke-bucket near by. Every Thursday. I don't miss it.
16 yrs of running and only tossed it once. Just finished a 10k race in 90 degree temps and pushed it hard. When I entered the finishing chute, I had to come to a quick stop due to the runners being backed up in line...that's all it took! Not a good feeling by the way.