I have an on again off again relationship with the gym. I had been going for the past couple weeks, mainly doing cardio exercises.
Tonight however I got on the treadmill and started jogging and I could only do it for a couple minutes before my heart started pounding and I started feeling real sick like I was gonna vomit kinda sick. I didnt throw up but I still feel kinda weak.
This has happened to me a couple times before. Once about 5 years ago at a gym and once a few years ago riding a bicycle. The 2nd time it happened was much worse though and I actually thew up and blacked out because of it for a minute.
This ever happened to anybody else? My heart rate was up in the 160's when it happened. Im 27 years old 5'11 and about 175 pounds. I tend to get heart palpitations alot. That has been brought to my doc's attention. But he couldnt find anything "wrong" persay.
I actually have a physical scheduled with my doctor in a couple weeks so im sure I will know wear I stand then but. But im just looking for opinions in the mean time.
Oh BTW, Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!