I think running your fans are going to drain your battery and here's why;
I have a Gen 1 1464cc setup with 2 fans, a 24v starter setup, 12 cell Ballistic battery and 8 cell Ballistic for the backup (starter) battery. Fans automatically come on at 210ish or I have a toggle switch to turn them on sooner.
Even at 60,70,80 mph, having both fans on keeps the temps cooler. They do NOT restrict the airflow at speed, they improve it.
The bike likes to run hot when the outside temps are 90 or above, which forces me to run the fans constantly. Running both fans constantly are draining my batteries and I have no other accessories at all. I wonder if I can get a high output stator?
I'm curious to know if running your fans constantly for any length of time is going to drain your battery.