Anybody Miss me?


hey folks. For those of you who were keeping up on my moving saga - we finally got moved in to the new house.

I still have pneumonia after over 3 weeks and 3 rounds of antibiotics.

My home computer did not survive the move, and I havent bothered to get cable hooked up yet at the house, so I wouldnt have internet access there anyway.

I'm finally back to work after 3 weeks off. Fortunately I still have my job, but I'm massively behind on work, so I dont have a lot of time to pop in here and probably wont for a while. I miss you guys though and Wanted to say hello.
You're sorely missed around here. Hope you're well on the road to good health, though.

We appeciate the fact that you're going 'through it' and understand your periods of silence...though we're not enjoying it one bit.

Take care, pal.
Take care of that pneumonia problem, man. That **** can kill you really fast.
