Anyone had an experience with the "Puig Adjustable Footpeg Mount Kit" ?

Simon Says

As the title suggests, I noticed this adjustable footpeg mount kit, from Puig. As you might know Puig makes really great stuff for bikes in my opinion. (I have their touring screen already and love it)

I have read many posts on here, specifically the one from "60+ Busa Rider" about his modification using 2 separate kits and putting them together to make a really nice front footpeg drop setup. Specifically I actually like the stock/rubber footpegs for comfort, I'd like to keep them, just drop them a bit, this kit looks like it has the option of dropping either 20mm or 40mm based on what I see here.

However the setup that "60+ Busa Rider" fabricated would require some milling machine time, which not all of us have access to. This kit seems like it would be the best of both worlds. Thanks for any input, I posted a link to these under the picture, thanks again ! Simon


If those don’t work out…

I’ve bought a couple different pair and the pegs themselves can be mixed and matched with the extended mounts.

I have a big flat peg set for longer rides and this style in the link attached for around town.
