Anyone have an arrival date?

So the guys that are finding them, are these extra the dealer had coming or sold units people backed out of? Cause if Suzuki delivered unsold bikes to dealers before ones with preorder sales that’s complete bullshit
my guess is some dealers took the gamble of buying extra models in case the demand went up. then they could try to hustle a buyer with huge markups bc off the low numbers available. if u guys remember, even on this forum people were saying how disappointed they were the new busa bc it would have less hp, no turbo, etc. so the high demand we are seeing now is last minute and people are scrambling to get one. like those people that buy and horde xbox/playstations and charge double to people trying to get their kid a xmas gift and cant find them at stores bc they are sold out.
Looks stellar, all Hayabusas look good in white.......or almost any color for that matter...
I'll actually probably paint it this winter a color like 07 vigor blue which was my favorite color on a busa.
Suzuki Inc is really out of line making the hump optional equipment. It’s a piece of the friggin body work! :laugh:
You can't have a Busa without a hump!
my guess is some dealers took the gamble of buying extra models in case the demand went up. then they could try to hustle a buyer with huge markups bc off the low numbers available. if u guys remember, even on this forum people were saying how disappointed they were the new busa bc it would have less hp, no turbo, etc. so the high demand we are seeing now is last minute and people are scrambling to get one. like those people that buy and horde xbox/playstations and charge double to people trying to get their kid a xmas gift and cant find them at stores bc they are sold out.

I knew a Yamaha dealer that got his employees to fake putting up deposits in their names when the FJR came out so they’d have plenty to sell. Apparently he could only order as many as he had ‘deposits’ for.
my guess is some dealers took the gamble of buying extra models in case the demand went up. then they could try to hustle a buyer with huge markups bc off the low numbers available. if u guys remember, even on this forum people were saying how disappointed they were the new busa bc it would have less hp, no turbo, etc. so the high demand we are seeing now is last minute and people are scrambling to get one. like those people that buy and horde xbox/playstations and charge double to people trying to get their kid a xmas gift and cant find them at stores bc they are sold out.
I'm thinking Suzuki dealerships may mark up the new busa's past MSRP, maybe $3k. I've seen it. Look at the C8 corvette, $80k MSRP, but dealers are getting $130k!! I think the same thing is happening with the Dodge Demon and the other supercharged cars.:shocked: If they have a high demand for the busa, it could happen. Shucks most outdoor toy dealers here in Cali are marking up UTV's 2-3k over MSRP calling it admin fees, assembly fees of $700! Yup, if the high demand and low inventory, it could happen. I got my new busa for $1k less than MSRP, I don't see that happening again. Even some eastern dealers were at $15,700 for the new busa, no more. They all figured why to take $3k less than the rest of the other dealers. It sucks man. I called every dealer in SOCAL and only found two that didn't ask for extra fees on my Kawasaki Kerex 1000!!
So the guys that are finding them, are these extra the dealer had coming or sold units people backed out of? Cause if Suzuki delivered unsold bikes to dealers before ones with preorder sales that’s complete bullshit
That's kind what I was wondering. It's pretty messed up dealers have extra inventory to sell when those that pre-ordered get stuck waiting. Maybe buyers did back out, doesn't make use that didn't back out feel any better.. :lol:
So the guys that are finding them, are these extra the dealer had coming or sold units people backed out of? Cause if Suzuki delivered unsold bikes to dealers before ones with preorder sales that’s complete bullshit
i believe it had a deposit before and got cancelled
I'm thinking Suzuki dealerships may mark up the new busa's past MSRP, maybe $3k. I've seen it. Look at the C8 corvette, $80k MSRP, but dealers are getting $130k!! I think the same thing is happening with the Dodge Demon and the other supercharged cars.:shocked: If they have a high demand for the busa, it could happen. Shucks most outdoor toy dealers here in Cali are marking up UTV's 2-3k over MSRP calling it admin fees, assembly fees of $700! Yup, if the high demand and low inventory, it could happen. I got my new busa for $1k less than MSRP, I don't see that happening again. Even some eastern dealers were at $15,700 for the new busa, no more. They all figured why to take $3k less than the rest of the other dealers. It sucks man. I called every dealer in SOCAL and only found two that didn't ask for extra fees on my Kawasaki Kerex 1000!!
Im paying $18600 plus $1000 fees and $200 doc fee
I'm thinking Suzuki dealerships may mark up the new busa's past MSRP, maybe $3k. I've seen it. Look at the C8 corvette, $80k MSRP, but dealers are getting $130k!! I think the same thing is happening with the Dodge Demon and the other supercharged cars.:shocked: If they have a high demand for the busa, it could happen. Shucks most outdoor toy dealers here in Cali are marking up UTV's 2-3k over MSRP calling it admin fees, assembly fees of $700! Yup, if the high demand and low inventory, it could happen. I got my new busa for $1k less than MSRP, I don't see that happening again. Even some eastern dealers were at $15,700 for the new busa, no more. They all figured why to take $3k less than the rest of the other dealers. It sucks man. I called every dealer in SOCAL and only found two that didn't ask for extra fees on my Kawasaki Kerex 1000!!
well in Vegas they're still asking full MSRP but an extra 2000 in freight, set up, registration, blah, blah, blah......
Insurance can easily be had for cheap I thought the same thing but just got the lightning and gen 3 full coverage $30 each per month can't beat that with statefarm and that is with 20k value on each hell even got a quote on my 22 c8 and its only $100 a month full coverage which was cheaper then my silverado.... I was paying $130 a month just for the truck so for another $30 will have all 3 gems with full coverage and for florida drivers I couldn't believe it.
They all fit pretty much all brocks is gonna do is maybe make a new pipe for the new look maybe... I like the short stealth look of the pentacarbon the others look outdated imo.
The current Gen-2 systems all fit but there is no tuning available unless you go to a standalone. No point in doing that yet IMO.
Except to lose weight......

Tuning is going to be another hurtle...hopefully the techs get that sorted soon...