Anyone have any experiances with Zx12's? Riden, raced, owned?

My buddy has one, it dynoed out at 176hp. they have thier qurks though. Over heating is one. Nice looking bike!
My roommate had one. Changing the spark plugs................HaHa - good luck.

Also that bike does NOT like to wheelie. Will puke oil out the crankcase vent.

His bike did HAUL A$$ with a pipe and power commander. FUN FUN FUN!!!!:beerchug:
some of the things i read just make me scratch my head....

i know this a Hayabusa site.....

but the zx12 was good bike:

1. 15lbs lighter than a "busa
2. makes the same power,even though motor is smaller
3. is 1.5 inches shorter in wheelbase

1. lacks the torque of the "busa
2. shorter wheelbase makes it wheelie than a busa
3. little aftermarket support

these are good bikes, can be picked up for cheap and will run with a busa....i have both and my times at the dragstrip are within a tenth of a second between the two.