Anyone have this prob

Have any of you guys having this melting problem been under the dash messing with wires? I wonder if a bulb that backlights the speedo is to close to plastic parts. Excuse me for my ignorance, but where is your shift light mounted and did you modify your dash at all?
I have an 04 with ZG Double Bubble and have not seen this yet. I have about 8K miles on it so far.

Ok, here are some pics. Big pic relatively small file size.

Smoke D,
There is no modification to the dash. Just a small screw in the plastic piece behind the the dash. The shift light is a raptor, 7 small leds. The current that it draws during the time that it blips is negligible. (set @ 10,200 btw). The power for the shift light comes from a factory +12V/Neg plug that is down around the right ram air tube. This plug is used for running lights on the EuroBusas. Thunder doesn't have the shift light and his dash has done the same thing. BTW, he has an '04 LE as well. I have to go to the New Orleans for a couple of days and can't talk the wife out of her laptop, so it may be after Saturday before I can check this again. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I ride an '04 LE. It's brand new, so there's no dash distortion, yet. I'm very interested in this problem. Please keep us posted.
usn04limited and thunder,

I spoke to my mechanic and my salesman and neither have gotten any Busa's in with this problem. They sell a lot of bikes in this area, and they are very trustworthy.

Not sure how much assembling of parts is done when they uncrate new bikes. I am betting very minimal, but that still does not mean things have not been tampered with under the "hood".

I would check underneath the dash and see if a wire has burned in the location of the CLOCK and FI light. Also check for bar metal near that area. I didn't check my bike with a fine tooth comb, but I will tonight to verify it is not happening on my '04 Black/Purple.

Smoke D
It happened on my '03 but in a different spot. Mine was over to the right from where their's is located. Closer to the speedo. Instead of taking mine back to the dealer, I just sanded it smooth there and applied a carbon fiber dash cover. Looks better than the original cluster anyway. By the way.....I have a dark smoke and carbon fiber windscreen. And I have seen this happen on other Busa's. One other guys bike had a mirrored windscreen. Maybe it is the shape......who knows?
Actually....I think somethings getting hot in there....just hope it doesn't do a meltdown. Bluegauges reworked my cluster since this happened and I received no indication from them that anything was I hope I'm good to go.....
This is a common problem on the RC51s from sitting in the sunlight. It happens alot on those bikes for some reason. First I have heard of this on a Busa though.
Whether you care to believe it or not, regardless of how clean you keep your bike, the only thing that causes this is your windscreen. I have the same problem. I guarntee you that if you put your stock windscreen back on, the problem will go away. I too firmly believed that it could not be my windscreen. I too keep my bike well protected from the elements, I have had 2 dashes melt on my due to my CHROME see through, aftermarket windscreen. Suzuki covered the first one under warranty. It even went so far as to melt my actual tachometer face plate as well. It doesn't make any sense to me, but that is your problem.
Before seeing the picture. Was going to say it might be Brake fluid or other corrosive chemicals gotten on the dash.
Hey, VA guys...when we went on our Fall ride, two or three of the '04s had this same problem, remember? Seems that something might be wrong with them from the assembly line because the ones I saw on that day looked looked like someone held a match to them both; just melting away...

I hope you figure it out, and if it's an '04 problem, they think about a recall on the instrument panel. It's not a big deal to swap 'em out...I popped mine out a few months back when I was trying to put clear lenses in, just playing around and seeing how to dismantle a Busa...
Has to be electric. Nothing else including the sun could be doing that.

It has been a yr or two, but a couple of people were having that same issue.

1 parked outside, the other was inside.

Outcome unknown, but it has happened before.

I believe one said it must be the windshield causing it to focus and create a hotspot..

But that is all I can recall, been too long sorry.

PS, I see I am getting slower in my Days, someone has mentioned it, "Dr J." knows.


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Yeaahhh, Mine has done it too, in 2 spots...on the lower left and I just found another on the very top on the left side of the clock....
I was actually wondering if I didn't cause it by letting the bike sit on the stand warming up on cold days and the shutting her down.....or worse, twice I washed her and then ran it to dry the engine. Enough, to where steam would rise and collect on the gauge(Don't tell anyone :o) ) so flame on... but thats what I think happened to mine.
well for what it is worth i have 2001 that has the same problemi bought from original owner thru here {thanks water bug} and it had the same problem and hadonly ever had the factory windscreen i instill blue iridium and it looks the same as before