Anyone out there getting $23,428? (per person from the Bailout)

I say we do away with income tax....and increase sales tax.....that way no illegal immigrants can dodge paying taxes. Thats my :2cents:
Everyone is worried about this bailout as if it is coming from Taxes.
It is not ( not yet).
It is from borrowing.
Some day someone will have to pay it back, but if they raise taxes 1 cent, it will fuel the recession. Look for tax reductions for the short term.

The only fair tax is on consumption.
Do away with accountants, tax department, subsidies, deductions, discounts etc.
Set a percentage that everyone pays on all purchases (like 10%).
Rich people consume more and more expensive items so in the end they will pay more.
Lower income people consume less and less expensive items, so they will pay less.
If a rich person wants to enjoy his wealth at all he has to spend it and is taxed accordingly.
The way it is now the rich take advantage of all sorts of loopholes and advantages and pay far less than they should.
Now the tax burden is on the middle class and the poor.