(BigDiesel @ Oct. 29 2006,06:27) southern ridn pusses...I was out yesterday @1__mph, in 43deg. F-winds over 15mph on freeways, and I
still went out to play for a while.
I'll keep riding all winter too-did it last year, dont see why I shouldn't do it again. I've ridden to Blockbuster about 10-12mi. round-trip in 28 deg. before (that's my low) but I try to save my trips for 35deg. F n up...underarmor n longjohns can only do so much, and I have yet to find thermal pants that are long enuf n dont look completely dorky that I'd wear.
when we get our first good snowfall here, I'll show you southern sissy-types how to warm your tires when it gets below freezing!