Chuck is 39 like you! I am 34! I was 187 at my best 3years ago. I am working my way back. I am at 170lb right now. I had the flu really bad a week ago and lost put me at 162lbs. I am lucky to get about 8lbs back. Chuck and I at the same height of 5'8" and are 5lbs apart in weight. Both have the same body fat ratio of 14%. But we carry our weight so differently. I have longer arms and legs and a shorter torso, so I dont look as good as he does. It took us awhile to figure it out one night. I am more ripped then he is in mid section, but has got me on the thicker fuller look of a body builder. Genetics!!!! Jennifer teases us and calls him the body builder and me the model.
Oh I would step to the side if you wanted her picture if you were there!!! It was fun!!! You should go!
By the way, the picture looks good! And yes that was the idea of the picture.... Of the 3 girls!