With your power, I'd say 18/43 is a good place to start.
What tire are you running? 50 or 55 series? Depending on the tire you might have to play with your gearing more depending on the diameter.
50 series tire
on the way home from our bash tested today and made exact 170mph with this gearing on redline in fifth gear.(measured with GPS Garmin 276 , not speedometer) couldnt go further in sixt as there was to much traffic.
If i compare this with the values from gearingcommander i should have had about 4.5% slip and that seems to be realistic
But dont know how long the distance was to get there so its not realy usefull

should i set it to 18-42 and try to go as fast as possible in 5 ?
Maybe thats better with my low HP
dont worry about my tuck

and my best speed i ever had on my GPS was 190.1 but with long run up on the Autobahn to get there