Att: massachusetts + rhode island riders...

haaha yea or me loosing my hat. Whats this? already planning another ride? Hmm Sounds like it may be quite nippy by then, but if the weather is good im down
Last I talked to George,I thought he was hoping riironman was going to take the lead.I'm pretty sure he said that you knew the area..he doesn't.
Moved to Geographic - for housekeeping:)

Nice pics BTW!
Oh I am sorry..I didnt know you guys were waiting on me. I dont know that area too well myself. (go figure). I suck with directions. I know how to get to the beach and get around Narragansett but thats it. You dont want the blind leading the blind.
I'll take the lead for another ride.

We can stop at Scarboro and then head down route 1 to Misquamicut. It's about a 25 mile ride from Scarboro. Route 1 is like a highway but you have to watch out for an occassional Trooper hiding on the median.

If anyone really wants to make a ride out of it we can head up 102 to the Scituate Reservoir and then I can lead everyone back to I295 to get home.

That would be a couple hundred miles. A lot more for you Brendan!

Walmart right off of I295 would be a good meeting place. Being that we had breakfast at Bickfords there is one a few miles off I295 in Warwick, if anyone wants to do a meet & greet breakfast again.

This week end is out of the question for me.

First ride today after 10 days in Orlando. Way to F@%&@&G hot for me. Massive investation of LoveBugs at the resort. 90 degrees or better 8 of the 10 days along with moderate to high humidity. 85 degrees when I left Orlando at 6:PM 55 degrees when I landed in Warwick. !!!AAAHHH!!! 51 degrees on the ride to work this morning.
If anyone is interested post up some dates!

Is anyone interested?

I'll be riding at least until the end of November.