ok my turn-i ride with sum serious stunters sum days, sum crazy speeders other days, and average cruisers @ other times. I can get the busa's front wheel up, but no I don't carry it 2-300 feet, cuz its never in a safe place-usually coming off a light and just playn around. My boys that stunt-pull it up on freeway onramps and carry it up till the next exit, all day. when you enjoy something, or want to try something, it sux to get bashed for tryn to perfect your passion-i don't know this fools reasons for the vid, but i'm betn he's new to the game (watch the dope pull on the bars...a-duh!) and his boys were there to cheer him on and hopefully record his first good wheelie-which obviously didn't happen.
Speeders and stunters typically dont HAVE insurance Sam-most of us don't even have a valid D.L. (hand raised here) so we can't get insurance-we have to scrape together every last dollar we have and then buy a bkie outright. yep I paid cash money (over 8k) for my dream, took me 6years-I think i'm entitled now to do whatever i want with it without someone callin me astoopid squid just cuz I don't follow speedlimits or keep both wheels firmly planted at all times-and I have two youg'uns too, so the daddy factor does keep me alert and generally erring on the side of caution if traffic is an issue, but I wont go thru life denying myself what I love to do, and neither do stunters.
None of this has anything to do with balls either-so whoever put that post up-chillax bro this isn't about who is the biggest daredevil, just sum dude wanting to do sumthin he saw sumbody else do-can any guy in here say he never flicked out the back end on a rear-drive car, just bcuz it looked cool in a movie they saw? (take your pick-it all startd with Bullit, but there's hundreds out there) we may not take risks on a daily basis in our opinion, but $hit, drivin home from work with one hand on the wheel on the freeway is risky-u never know what the other duma$$ next to u is guna do.
lets quit pickin on stunters please-I know many and know what they go thru to get better at what they do...takes a lot of hurting, healing, and money (which means a lot of WORK) to get good. leave the squid label for the dopes with $20k ducatis, harleys, and all the other choppers, who get lit at the bar and try to drive home after failing to impress any women with their expensive metal phallus' and spill twenty feet from the parking lot.