Attitude adjustment


Guilty. Someone needs an attitude adjustment. 41 banned sites and still growing. I think there are web owners that should not be owning what human conduct does on it's own.

You worry over a few fools fighting over trivial thinks like a bike? Politics they can do nothing about? Is that what's troubling you, bunky?

If I had 30 grand worth of web, let you fools come here make a mess of the place is have at it. It is what it is. Come get my attitude.
I don't need dis place and dis place does not need me. Now, that is having a healthy "attitude."


It sounds like someone need a hug! :poke:
Wow for two pages I thought I would have to see a therapist. Thank god it was a joke because I cann't afford a real one. I'd have to resort to my backup therapist Patron. :rofl:
Jokes are funny...this upset a lot of people.

With all the drama on the board lately...I hope somebody got a good laugh about it.
Posted via Mobile Device
Wow...........For a Minute there I thought I had to Spend MORE TIME with my Friends and Family....................Thank GOD :whistle:
All I can say is I've only been here a few months and I was TOTALLY! bummed out! Australia has a busa forum but I'm not a member, this is the only one I belong to and thats because the people here are awsome! so without useing profanities I'm pretty pleased this was a joke:thumbsup: Thankyou all who keep this site happening:beerchug: what you do is important to everyone who uses the board (even those of us who are on the other side of the world and are noobs)
So....ummm...errr....uhhh....Doug ????......we are "not" shutting down ????......
welll you sure made it seem like a well oiled machine

the new site better not have the number '14' in it:laugh:


Here is where he is headed, so fitting huh!

