:drool: I know most of ya are tired tired tired of reading this but I noticed a lot of new members.  IF ya read this before click [BACK] NOW! Or post a pos/neg truthful coment.

I have a few DIGITAL HID units left for those of you that might have an interest.  

Yep DIGITAL HID (HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE) lighting for the busa LOW beam.  4300K D2R bright arse bulb w/ultra light/compact ballast.  3x the light of two 100watt bulbs on high beam. THINK BMW/LEXUS on yur busa~!

$250 to your door (US).  See pic of kit. Will ship most countries!  Australia, France, Canada & S. Africa so far.







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Anybody have any problems with their's? I am interested but I worry about a few things.

1. Heat, is it too hot for the plastic reflector? Anyone?

2.How durable are they?

3.Anyone have any troubles with bulb life?

4.And where do you get replacement bulbs?

5. Finally, can any semi-competant house wrench install this?

Icemann, your reputation here on the board is untarnished, I know this from the feedback I have seen and the fact that when there was a small little issue you announced it and the fix for it straight away. Don't get me wrong, I am seriously interested.

Thanks For your time Ice,

when do I start to recieve my royalty checks for those pictures? :bounce:

Here's a direct, head on shot.
Look how crystal clear!
NO YELLOW at all!

REV, It's actually a smaller wattage bulb. 35 watt. It burns cooler than the stocker, and a regular shade tree guy CAN do the install. I did mine, and I'm SUBpar.

Yep take credit cards as long as it's YOURS!.

""1. Heat, is it too hot for the plastic reflector? Anyone?

The HID bulb is only 35 watts compared to your 55/65/100 watt bulbs yet still 3 times brighter. You could litterly hold the bulb with no problems. (I wouldnt suggest this due to oil in your hands).

2.How durable are they?

Unforntuate for the OWNER, A MEMBER ON THIS SITE, but I saw a busa FLIP, FLOP, RATTLE, AND ROLL, TUMBLE AND TURN BULB STILL WORKED. Its a gas charged glass tube so vibration has no bearing. I put it on a paint shaker at lowes lit up and still worked. Bulb lasts about 3000 hours.

3.Anyone have any troubles with bulb life?
3000 hours mine has been in for eva.

4.And where do you get replacement bulbs?
it's a standard D2R HID bulb, so any dealership like BMW, LEXUS, internet, or ME.

5. Finally, can any semi-competant house wrench install this?

YEP, nearly everyone here installed their own. Comes with detailed pics/instructions.

2.How durable are they?

Unforntuate for the OWNER, A MEMBER ON THIS SITE, but I saw a busa FLIP, FLOP, RATTLE, AND ROLL, TUMBLE AND TURN BULB STILL WORKED.  Its a gas charged glass tube so vibration has no bearing.  I put it on a paint shaker at lowes lit up and still worked.  Bulb lasts about 3000 hours.

Real funny JD ;but it is the truth  Playaz I'm the owner he's kickn down

This is the only mod that I haven't and will not sell ! I havent found a way around this mod like the other I have done in the past >>>>>>>so it stay for know until they( HID light) get alittle cheaper.
yo Ice,
i will be getting a hold of you for a set for my bike. i have to finish up with my kids with the Back to school thang.

Yep take credit cards as long as it's YOURS!.

""1. Heat, is it too hot for the plastic reflector?  Anyone?

The HID bulb is only 35 watts compared to your 55/65/100 watt bulbs yet still 3 times brighter.  You could litterly hold the bulb with no problems.  (I wouldnt suggest this due to oil in your hands).

2.How durable are they?

Unforntuate for the OWNER, A MEMBER ON THIS SITE, but I saw a busa FLIP, FLOP, RATTLE, AND ROLL, TUMBLE AND TURN BULB STILL WORKED.  Its a gas charged glass tube so vibration has no bearing.  I put it on a paint shaker at lowes lit up and still worked.  Bulb lasts about 3000 hours.

3.Anyone have any troubles with bulb life?
3000 hours mine has been in for eva.

4.And where do you get replacement bulbs?
it's a standard D2R HID bulb, so any dealership like BMW, LEXUS, internet, or ME.

5. Finally, can any semi-competant house wrench install this?

YEP, nearly everyone here installed their own.  Comes with detailed pics/instructions.

Right on ICE...I appreciate it. The heat was the only thing I was really concerned about. Thanks.

Lemme check with the finance department, I'll be in touch.

Hey no sweat. It is in my opinion the best mod you can do. Who evers you decide on!

PS. Yo Rhythm, IS70 and brice road to US 40 springfield exit in 12 min! DO THE MATH BABY.


A shout out for the Icemann the HID kit rocks... When leaving out early in the morning or coming home late at night the HID light makes a huge difference. The biggest difference is the way this unit lights up the sides of the road and further down the road in front of you. I'm always concerned about hitting something in the road when riding at night. This unit makes such a bigger difference over the stock headlight that I feel more confident in my ability to see the road.

The install was straight up, Ice includes everything you will need for the installation. The only thing I had to provide was the wire and connectors to run the power and some Velcro and tie wraps to secure the ballast unit.

This is a great kit for about a third of the price of other kits on the market. I have even ordered the yellow high beam light from Ice.

:super:  :super:  :super:
:beerchug:   I would like ta thank Peter Atlas from Australia.  He took these comparisson photos of a stock 55 watt vs MY 35 watt 4300K HID light.  Pictures say it all.


Any HID kits left Iceman? I would like to buy one now. I will send you a PM and email too.
Ya got me doing some math in my bank account, Ice. It's a mod that I've wanted from day one. Don't hold your breath, but I'll see about it. I just finished paying for a boatload of aftermarket stuff all at once, so naturally, I'm almost tapped.