ATTN: Nor-Cal Riders (That Means You Gene)


Donating Member
Ozz(Robb) and I are going to go for a Ride Tomorrow. I Think PARDINI(Russ) is probably going to join Us Also. I Think Gene(V-Max-To-Busa) will be there.???

We Have Know FREAKIN Idea Where We are Going but Who Cares :beerchug: It's California Weather BABY :super:

Chevron Gas Station at Latrobe and Highways 50. 10:00 AM Unless Robb Changes Everything :shocked:
Gene where are you:director: Russ your not going to rake leaves again are ya?..come on man, i might even be different this time and ride the 1000:laugh:
V Max 2 Busa you have to go its the go put some more cards in your spokes and check your sissy bar so we can all go tomorrow:poke:
OZZ2 you gonna go or do you have to run down to rite aid for some more Doans pills? :poke:
Gene where are you:director: Russ your not going to rake leaves again are ya?..come on man, i might even be different this time and ride the 1000:laugh:

No leaves for me tomarrow, I blew up about 10 piles today the kid will be transporting them out back while I'm ridin'. :thumbsup: My legs are so freakin sore I may need help with the dismount though. :laugh: Boss you bringin your camera again?
Anthony with the Repsol is going to if you guys dont mind:thumbsup:..its a honda so he will be behind us of course:laugh:
also Boss, clean your chain im ashamed of you chain maintance skills it bothers Russ and me when were riding with ya:laugh:
OZZ2 you gonna go or do you have to run down to rite aid for some more Doans pills? :poke:[/QUOTE

I can't go I have homework to finish, spent to much time rideing this week and negelected my responsability but a man has to have his priorities. If you like I can pick up your prescription of the special cream you need while I am at Rite Aid. :poke::rofl::rofl::rofl:
OZZ2 you gonna go or do you have to run down to rite aid for some more Doans pills? :poke:[/QUOTE

I can't go I have homework to finish, spent to much time rideing this week and negelected my responsability but a man has to have his priorities. If you like I can pick up your prescription of the special cream you need while I am at Rite Aid. :poke::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Homework ? Come on Man.....I Will Bring the 109 Just to Keep YA Company if Ya Want.

YES..........Real Men Don't Clean There CHAINS........:super:

GreyRocket You Can Join (OZZ2) and I............:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
You guys have fun tomorrow, ride safe and take lots of pics for those of us who can't go.:cry:

I Guess I will Bring the 08 BUSA........Kinda Wanted to Ride the 109 :down: .... Just Not as FUN Unless there is another 109.