Cant say that I'm real happy that the auction site is going away. I used it daily. However, I understand that if its not profitable - scrap it. That being said, bring on the monthly fee. Doug, I know you say it wasn't your vision to charge for membership but it wasn't my vision to work where I'm working. Drastic times call for drastic measures.
A monthly fee isn't gonna hurt anyone.
Bottom line Cap, if you let this site go down cuz your to stubborn to charge a fee - I'll make a trip to OK and um....persuade you otherwise
How many said you were being greedy? A handful? Fug em! A handful out of 11k doesnt mean shid.
A monthly fee isn't gonna hurt anyone.
Bottom line Cap, if you let this site go down cuz your to stubborn to charge a fee - I'll make a trip to OK and um....persuade you otherwise
How many said you were being greedy? A handful? Fug em! A handful out of 11k doesnt mean shid.