Auction Site Going Away

Cant say that I'm real happy that the auction site is going away. I used it daily. However, I understand that if its not profitable - scrap it. That being said, bring on the monthly fee. Doug, I know you say it wasn't your vision to charge for membership but it wasn't my vision to work where I'm working. Drastic times call for drastic measures.
A monthly fee isn't gonna hurt anyone.

Bottom line Cap, if you let this site go down cuz your to stubborn to charge a fee - I'll make a trip to OK and um....persuade you otherwise

How many said you were being greedy? A handful? Fug em! A handful out of 11k doesnt mean shid.
A lot of people are not going to go for the monthly fee just for board access. I do, however, strongly believe premium services should come at a premium.

Uploads, email, letting people litter pages with over-sized signatures and avatars, allowing image attachments to be linked out-of-domain: those are the killers.
(fsusux @ Dec. 05 2006,07:17)
(NightCrawler @ Dec. 05 2006,07:36) Let me start by saying I'M NOT AGAINST A MEMBERSHIP FEE. But I think so many people viewed Cap as being "greedy" with the pety auction fee, that if he was to setup a monthly/annual fee he'd receive some major backlash.
Make it a pay-to play site.  Take away posting, pm'ing priviledges of those that don't want to pay a membership fee and you'll never get another greedy bastage pm again.  If they don't like it they can go play elsewhere or start thier own forum.
Might wanna allow a 30 day trial membership. Not alot of people out there willing to join without knowing what is here for them.

To post in the for sale section though, make that a must donate before posting a new topic.
Cap - Mod's - Decide on a $3-$5 mandatory monthly mem fee and offer an annual at a discount. If people don't want to participate, they won't. Give a 30 day trial to new members. Most people aren't free-loaders - they just won't pay if they don't have to. We're all used to paying bills so $5 isn't going to ding anyone.

Let's get it done and move ahead.

Call me if there is added software requirements for the fee managment s/ware component. We might have to tack on something to manage memberships and fees and reports. Just let us know how we can help.
monthly fee wouldnt bother me 5 or 6 dollars hell I pay more for satalite radio I will give my card # and just do an auto withdraw every month so we are behind ya cap
(NightCrawler @ Dec. 05 2006,04:36) Let me start by saying I'M NOT AGAINST A MEMBERSHIP FEE. But I think so many people viewed Cap as being "greedy" with the pety auction fee, that if he was to setup a monthly/annual fee he'd receive some major backlash.
those people can go to another site they wont be missed
fsusux, 06Busa ,300busa & Narcissus have some good ideas there.

Make it a stepped membership.

First 30 days free, no selling unless membership is paid during the trail period.

1st step posting and PMing rights

2nd step selling rights

3rd step Premium larger avatar, pic's in sig line, links to outside web sites.
(Narcissus @ Dec. 05 2006,09:45) A lot of people are not going to go for the monthly fee just for board access. I do, however, strongly believe premium services should come at a premium.

Uploads, email, letting people litter pages with over-sized signatures and avatars, allowing image attachments to be linked out-of-domain: those are the killers.
Thought most of that was already for donating members only$$
(Gunnybusa @ Dec. 05 2006,06:54) fsusux, 06Busa ,300busa & Narcissus have some good ideas there.

Make it a stepped membership.

First 30 days free, no selling unless membership is paid during the trail period.

1st step posting and PMing rights

2nd step selling rights

3rd step Premium larger avatar, pic's in sig line, links to outside web sites.
If they dont upgarde after the first 30 days then they only have viewing right.
I'm not sure how to make the auctions shorter than 1 day. The seller has the ability to put the auction length on the sale, 1 day 2 days a week, a  month you can even have custom times........ I dont think that the auction site itself is the problem, I think that members just dont like change......... To top that off the ones that won't use it are the ones that have alreadly left. They will be back just as soon as the forums are opened back up, you guys need to pay attention to it this time... The forums will only be open for the members selling personal merchandise. No businesses, I get to call what we declare a business too..... The admins are going to have to chime in to make the rules.

Paul the bandwidth isnt really the issue right now, the server is strong and we have some growth. The vids are gone because I can't compete with google and the other vid groups out there...... everyone links to them...

The site will pack up and go home before I charge for access...... It may be the end of days..... I work in a service environment and I know first hand that if you try to force fees on people they will revolt and call you a greedy bastard.... I have been doing it for a need not greed. Either way the site has lost some traction and the sponsors need more traffic and purchases. If folks want to donate Im all about that, I dont even know what to say to you guys anymore, I try to email each one of you back after you donate with a personal touch but I have frankly run out of clever things to say. Thank you doesnt seem to be enough, I do get donations each week but it takes a lot of them to make up the difference... Donation drives help for a short time and then typically everyone forgets the cause. I put the auction site up because my core belief was that the members wanted to help, there was such a scream about the dor sale sections and what better place to buy and sell then from a group of people that you voluntarily visit with each day. Because ebay and the others were so distant and you get labeled as a number and you dont know the seller was the EXACT reason that I believed the auction site would go well. How many times over the years have we heard of folks getting burned on Ebay... With the auction site the members had a venue to sell, buy and know exactly who from this site they were dealing with and they could even go to the board and see how long they had been around and what their character was all about.


In the past we have tried:

1. Sponsors - Since they are not getting the volume they need we will probably see a decrease there.
2. Auction Site -- Lack of interest
3. Donations - Not enough volume
4. Merchandise -- Everyone has a closet full....
5. Captains Pocket...... STOPPING

Im open to ideas.....

Dont we have some IT people who can set up a recurring donation deal for those of us who are willing to do it? Gonna need somebody that can lock out the Cap from being able to change it.
I thought the auction site was just fine, but there really wasn't anything there I needed. I bought a T-shirt to try and support, but again, there just wasn't anything I really needed there.

I wonder if the sponsors would try putting more of their stuff there for auction? Instead of just offering board members a blanket 10% discount, they could probably increase their volume by offering the chance of maybe even better discounts in an auction. I don't know, just brainstorming.

I really would not mind a monthly fee even $10.00 a month. I pay $12.00/month for XM radio and never miss the money. The same would hold true here. Hell, I guess I should have been donating $10.00/month all along................................sorry CAP.

So, maybe I have just hit on something!
I'm surprised you're caving on the auction site so soon Cap't, I'm also a guilty member, though not here on this site. I strictly visit SH.ORG to ONLY view the FOR SALE section, never read the posts, don't know the members, just strictly use Dennis's site as my own personal shopping cart
. My guess is there's plenty of members who use this site in the same manner.

I still think you need to swallow some of that pride ans allow the members to have a more helpful hand financially in THIER INTERNET HOME. I'm sure as mentioned above there's a way to offer the site for FREE on a limited access basis while applying some sort of fee for added upgraded benefits. In the end you are still offering the wealth of information this board provides for FREE to all the internet viewers, but allowing us core members who are willing to donate to help maintain the site and enjoy all the features we do today. The sooner you realize this place belongs to all of us and not just YOU, the sooner your headaches will decrease and you happiness and family time improve. Just give us the chance Doug,...................we can only state so many times how much we appreciate all that you do...................we also can understand that's not enough.
Aside from my ~EBAY getting more traffic~ theory, I don't think people didn't use the auction site because they didn't like change. My thoughts on that is this:

How many times have you gone to a grocery store and forgot to buy what you intended to buy but ended up buying something you didn't plan on buying simply because you walked past it?

That's how I feel about the old forums. I seldomly scrolled down to the classified section. 98% of the sales I viewed were because I clicked on "New Posts". Example, I bought a set of lowering links from a member here a while back. I didn't log on looking for a set. Instead, I logged on, clicked NEW POSTS, saw the posted sale, and bought it. I didn't actually come here looking for it though.

I'm not sure if you can understand where I'm coming from as I may not be explaining myself correctly.
A way to perhaps cut costs and save major bandwidth would be to do away with the "attached image" function on the forum. Anyone can easily get on a free image site like photobucket or villagephotos and host their own images... and there's no need for to host everyone's pictures.
(PaNDeM1C @ Dec. 05 2006,09:44) A way to perhaps cut costs and save major bandwidth would be to do away with the "attached image" function on the forum. Anyone can easily get on a free image site like photobucket or villagephotos and host their own images... and there's no need for to host everyone's pictures.
Pan the problem that you run into at that point is that the post wont make any sense when that link isnt any good anymore. Then we have a message board full of garbage post.... I absolutely want people to upload images to the message...
I think a monthly amount is a great idea also. If there was a way to set it up where it is automatic most people would do that. Whatever the monthly amount is $5.00, $7.00, $10.00.
A yearly amount most people will shy away from. When you look at a big number it scares people, but smaller monthly amounts most would do. I will help out as best I can.
I used the auction site seams like most guys didn't like it or adjust to it for x, y, z reasons.

Increasing the cost of raffle tickets is a good idea also. I know you have the shirt making stuff now, but can you make different shirts also. I know you have the one other style but how about different ones like people have suggested. Maybe I missed a thread on this but I am just adding my thoughts to help.

Again have a great Holiday Season to all!!
I posted this in the poll thread also,

You could make posting and viewing in Random thoughts a fee based forum.  That forum would be the only forum that allows videos and big pics.  Anything that requires a lot of bandwidth.  Keep the bike forums free and don't allow large pics or videos in those forums.  Or just create a large pic and video forum that you have to be pay to view and post in.  

I think the Auction site cost too much to start and maintain to have been an income to the site.

Then its up to the Admins and Mods to make sure nobody posts a large pic or video in the free section.  Maybe it can be done automatically...

If sig lines like mine take up a lot of bandwidth, only allow the paying membership to use sig lines that use something other than text.
How bout you start a list cap, for people who would pay to access the site. Divide the cost of running the site per month by that number of people to determine the cost each month. This way not everyone has to pay, just the people who would be willing to. This way we get what we want and you get what you need.
Guys -
CAp has been saying the same thing since I have been here, which is that, there is not and will not be a fee for membership here... kind of gotta let that one go folks...

The right answer here is for us to donate on our own, what we can, when we can. We can post up all the threads in the world, but we need to understand that the CAp is vehemently opposed to charging any type of fees. My recommendation is to throw something the boards way when:
Someone sends you something that saves you a bunch of money
Someone posts up a walk through that saves you time, effort and a bunch of money
Some sells something on the board, some small percentage, etc.

Just some thoughts,