Autotune using ecu editor


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Justin woolich over in Australia has made tremendous progress in a very short timing designing, testing, and implementing auto tune features into ecru editor. There is now the option to add a wideband o2 sensor to the ecu via the stock sensors input at pin 12 at ecu connector and use your laptop to datalog every parameter the ecu can see for later review using the auto tune feature.

You still need basic engine tuning knowledge to decide what target air fuel values you want to shoot for etc, but this feature rocks, and hopefully soon there will be a data logging device that requires no wiring, just plug in and log everything ecu can see.

Instructional thread at

I have been getting a few questions about how to use the new Auto Tune feature in ECU Editor so i thought i would do a new post with this info and screen shots to make it easy for people to find the answers to questions. I am assuming you have basic skills with the ECU Editor program, if this is not the case please read other posts about the application to familiarize yourself with how it works before attempting an auto tune.

For best results when auto tuning you will need to block your PAIR valve. There are a couple of ways to do it ranging from using a marble to block the hose to buying pair block off plates and removing the PAIR solenoid entirely. Please search this forum for information about how to do this. The reason you should do this is that the PAIR valve bleeds air from the air box into the exhaust gases which gives you artificially lean (high) AFR readings.

Configure your bin file to Datalog O2 Sensor
  1. Open your bin file in ECU Editor
  2. Click "Advanced Settings"
  3. Put a check in the "Datalog O2 Sensor" checkbox and un-check "PAIR" checkbox
  4. Flash the changes to your ecu

You are now ready to do a Datalog to measure the current state of tune of your bike
  1. Connect your flashing harness and put it in Engine Data mode
  2. Turn your key on
  3. Click the "Data Logging" button
  4. Make sure that the green light comes on and the data logging screen is showing basic engine data.
  5. Start your engine
  6. Click "Create Log File" button
  7. Save the log file to a common location on your laptop
  8. Click "Start Logging" to start logging data to the log file
  9. Go for a ride and log data to the log file, i generally go for 20 min or so to get a good amount of data.
  10. Stop Engine and Click "Stop Logging"
  11. Click "View Data Log" button
  12. You are now viewing the logged data from your ride, you can change between the TPS-RPM and IAP-RPM maps by selecting the relevant radio buttons
  13. You can change the Target AFR maps by clicking on the Target AFR map radio button
  14. When you are ready to Auto Tune click the "% Map Change" radio button, this map displays suggested values to use to modify your fuel maps to improve the tune of your bike, you are able to adjust the values by typing directly into the cells if you are not happy with the suggested values.
  15. When you are ready to apply the changes to your fuel map click the "Auto Tune"button.
  16. If you want to tune both maps you will have to select each map (TPS and IAP) and click the 'Auto Tune' button for each one.
  17. Flash the changes to your ecu
  18. There are some additional settings to filter the Data Logs and Auto Tune which are pretty self expanitary, basically they remove data that is not useful for tuning your bike, the default settings are a good start but feel free to experiment with the settings to see what impact they have on the functionality of the software.

You will need to go through the log and tune process a few times until the values stabilize and you are getting consistent results for your AFR logging. Remember to save your bin file each time and load the latest bin file before you apply changes from a log run. I usually create numbered directories e.g. 01 Justin and put both the bin file and data logs for that bin file in the directory so i know which data logs relate to which bin file.

The engine uses the IAP-RPM map when the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) settings is below 11% i.e. at cruise and idle, Above TPS 11% the ecu uses the TPS-RPM map.





I am very excited to use this feature. :thumbsup:
I have ben reading up on this a little on the active board sight. thinking of giving it a shot and putting my large laptop with 17" screen in a back pack or something. Thinking of buying a new smaller laptop, but the one I have is pretty nice and works perfectly fine. just to big and would like a smaller one to take on the bike.
Hopefully some one comes up with a small device to save the data to a sd card. That would be really cool. Even if I get a small computer to log with it will still be big and bulky. definatly could not use it at the drag strip.
I can tune 100% throttle useing my wideband comander at the track fairly well. just a pain to tune all the stuff below 100%tps on the street.
Thank you to every one that worked on this. :bowdown::thumbsup:
Not yet but there is one in my future! Should work nice with my DL32, and LC1 and clear up some space under my tail. (PCIIIusb and hub). I just didn't want to go through the pain of retuning! This will make it so much easier!
auto tune, is not exactly working as it was intended...probally the first step should be plotting a .tafr map and be datalogging every run, especially since the datalogging baud,(transfer) rate is still being worked on by justin, if you have a seperate datalogger/wideband, you should be watching both and making educational changes to youe mapping....:thumbsup:
so any word on using a wideband outputting 0-5v into the ecu as a sensor for the ecu to tune from?
i suppose that auto tune would have to work for first gen busas before i worry about that. lol, where's my head?
i have been testing, both narrowband, ( stock o2sensor) and wideband, wego unit, since the beginning of the datalogging feature....:beerchug:
so i guess i'm just hanging out waiting for gen 1 support then. are you guys taking paypal donations?
yup. does the gen 1 even use an o2 sensor? i don't recall unplugging one when i pulled the header, but maybe i'm just nutty.
Going to be trying the auto tune on my buddy's Busa soon. What's the word on Gen 1 tuning with O2 sensor? PM me if you can. Thanks!
guess this just shows how uneducated i am, but i thought the auto tune was just plug and play. i understand you need the power commander and the auto tune is just an add-on, but all the adjustment is something that you have to do or is it by choice?