ECU Editor Tutorial - How to use Auto Tune


I made short run this morning on the bike, with the laptop.

My ECUeditor version is

When loading the log files, I end up with no data samples, although the csv files contains data. After reading back through the thread on the ECUEditor forum, I checked my HO2 column. It contains values from 255 (during warm up) which drop to and stay at 84-200 range 6 minutes into the ride. So this is obviously my problem.

I have a 4-2-1 R77 with the stock sensor in the provided bung. I also have the 'marble mod'.

I emailed the logs to your gmail account, along with my base settings file so you can see what I have set. I'd appreciate any ideas.

Thank you, once again.

I made short run this morning on the bike, with the laptop.

My ECUeditor version is

When loading the log files, I end up with no data samples, although the csv files contains data. After reading back through the thread on the ECUEditor forum, I checked my HO2 column. It contains values from 255 (during warm up) which drop to and stay at 84-200 range 6 minutes into the ride. So this is obviously my problem.

I have a 4-2-1 R77 with the stock sensor in the provided bung. I also have the 'marble mod'.

I emailed the logs to your gmail account, along with my base settings file so you can see what I have set. I'd appreciate any ideas.

Thank you, once again.

If the stock sensor is working correctly it should log a value between 0-49, my best advice would be to look in the workshop manual and run through the diagnostic procedure for the stock sensor to check if it is working ok.

If its not working ok, upgrade to a wideband sensor and you will get better results with the data logging and autotune.
Ok, I went through the diagnostic steps in the service manual, and the O2 sensor failed the voltage test while running. So, I have a LC-1 on order, which I hope to have Thursday or Friday.

I also ordered this (Innovate 12mm to 18mm O2 Sensor Aapter):


Thoughts on that adapter? The kit comes with a weld in bung, but if the adapter does what I need . . . .
I tried to edit my previous post, but the 30 minutes had expired.

What is the best way to wire the brown wire from the LC-1 (analog 0-5v wideband output) into pin 12 on the ecu?
The best way, if you're talented like smithabusa, is to take the pin out of the connector and resolder it to the pin.....he fixed a pulled wire from a PCIII connector like that for me.
I just cut the wire a couple inches from the connector and soldered it and used heat-shrink tubing to insulate it. Works fine.
Heck, I couldn't figure out how to get the pins out of the ECU. I was going to remove the ECU editor, and take the bike back to the dealer to let them replace the O2 sensor, but once I had no luck removing the pin for the ecu connector, I ordered the LC-1.

I can cut and solder it to 12, no problem.

Just for grins, where does 12 currently go? Perhaps there is a more accessable location to tie into it?
I just ran the wiring diagram. Looks like Pin 12 from the ECU (White Green) hooks to the current Brown wire on the existing H02 sensor? Couldn't a person just that connector off the existing H02 sensor, solderit to the brown analog on the LC-1, and plug it in? Check Page 603 of the service manual.
Sounds like the way to go, then. Sure seems like I've done alot of waiting on parts on this bike the first 2 months I've had it! :rofl:
Ok, my LC-1 showed up today, and here I am 2.5 hours later with it fully soldered in and working.

I endedup up using the 12mm to 18mm adapter, and mounting the control box under the tank. I ran all the wires up to the tail section, drilling holes into the front of the trunk lip for the button and led. I tied into the ecu wire 12 directly down from the ecu plug. I grabbed my switched 12v and ground from the 12v accessory harness from Greg.

After a few adjustments (and a replaced fuse) I fired the bike up, let it warm up, and started ecu editor. The 'monitor engine data' still showed it as rich, but there isn't an option there for wideband (Justin, can you add this?). When I moved to data logging, it showed the AF in the upper 14-15's. I logged a bit (5 minutes, on a stand) of data, and then viewed the log. Sure enough, I finially had data - and it was wide band. :cheerleader:

So, now I'm having a nice vodka neat, watching the chiefs play, and knowing that if I make it home from the office tomorrow intime to put the plastic back on the body I should be able to log some data. Either way, I should be able to put MANY miles in this weekend and hopefully run 2 or 3 sessions of autotune.

Thank you, all inovolved, for such a useful application, and the support you provide in the forums!
Ok, my LC-1 showed up today, and here I am 2.5 hours later with it fully soldered in and working.

I endedup up using the 12mm to 18mm adapter, and mounting the control box under the tank. I ran all the wires up to the tail section, drilling holes into the front of the trunk lip for the button and led. I tied into the ecu wire 12 directly down from the ecu plug. I grabbed my switched 12v and ground from the 12v accessory harness from Greg.

After a few adjustments (and a replaced fuse) I fired the bike up, let it warm up, and started ecu editor. The 'monitor engine data' still showed it as rich, but there isn't an option there for wideband (Justin, can you add this?). When I moved to data logging, it showed the AF in the upper 14-15's. I logged a bit (5 minutes, on a stand) of data, and then viewed the log. Sure enough, I finially had data - and it was wide band. :cheerleader:

So, now I'm having a nice vodka neat, watching the chiefs play, and knowing that if I make it home from the office tomorrow intime to put the plastic back on the body I should be able to log some data. Either way, I should be able to put MANY miles in this weekend and hopefully run 2 or 3 sessions of autotune.

Thank you, all inovolved, for such a useful application, and the support you provide in the forums!

good on you mate nice work on getting it up and running, i will add the wideband checkbox to engine data, i had not thought of it before :)

Post up some results of how you go using the auto tune, I have released a new beta version as well that allows you to log data at a faster rate than before, you can read more about it on the ecu hacking site

Autotune and Data logging for ECU Editor - ECU hacking
good on you mate nice work on getting it up and running, i will add the wideband checkbox to engine data, i had not thought of it before :)

Post up some results of how you go using the auto tune, I have released a new beta version as well that allows you to log data at a faster rate than before, you can read more about it on the ecu hacking site

Autotune and Data logging for ECU Editor - ECU hacking

Yea, .13. I grabbed it last night. ;-) Hopefully I get out of here in time to put the bike back together, and make a couple rides tonight. I wish I had gotten the kit with the gauge now, and fed it with the yellow wire from the LC-1.
Ok, I did a bit with autotune tonight.

I have v

I neglected to to change my data rate to 100, from 150. My LC-1 seems to be working well. Now, for some pictures from the data of about a 1 hour ride.





I'll load the autotune results up in the morning, and take her back out to see how it looks.
Ok, I did a bit with autotune tonight.

I have v

I neglected to to change my data rate to 100, from 150. My LC-1 seems to be working well. Now, for some pictures from the data of about a 1 hour ride.

I'll load the autotune results up in the morning, and take her back out to see how it looks.

You dont seem to have a lot of data in the TPS map which as there are not to many suggestions in the auto tune screen. You could try lowering the auto tune setting for "Min Number of Logged AFR Values In Cell" from 3 to 2 or 1, which will also auto tune the cells with less data. Other than that looks good, you should be moving in the right direction.
I set it to 2 and gained a few more. I'll flash the changes, set my rate to 100 (from 150) and ride a couple hours today to see what I end up with.

Did the guage mount come from innovate too?
Ok, I did a bit with autotune tonight.

I have v

I neglected to to change my data rate to 100, from 150. My LC-1 seems to be working well. Now, for some pictures from the data of about a 1 hour ride.

I'll load the autotune results up in the morning, and take her back out to see how it looks.

Get that data rate set at 100 and be sure to select Fast Baud Rate in Advanced settings and you'll pick up alot more data in a shorter time-leaving the # of cells at 3. Makes a big difference. The bracket is from Tiger Racing :thumbsup: