Ay-yo, check this harley commercial.

I must be daft! It took me 3 times of viewing that to finally get it.Plus my wife had to "help me" along!!!!!!
HAHAHA! Duunmby!!
AM -->
00busaTX @ May 13 2008 said:
1416823[/ATTACH] AM]
You can tell that the husband doesn't have a busa, things might have been the other way around.....


I have both, I can honestly say as a group in a pack, most bikers
would kick the **** out of just about any pack of riders.
They don't use much deductive reasoning in their approach....

Stab = jail ....nah

PM -->
Aceshigh @ May 14 2008 said:
1417014[/ATTACH] PM]
AM -->
00busaTX @ May 13 2008 said:
1417014[/ATTACH] AM]
You can tell that the husband doesn't have a busa, things might have been the other way around.....


I have both, I can honestly say as a group in a pack, most bikers
would kick the **** out of just about any pack of riders.
They don't use much deductive reasoning in their approach....

Stab = jail ....nah
Ah yea... what Sam said. You need some new rider friends then....



If I owned that POS, I would rather ride some guys wife than my bike too!
You're not encouraged to make remarks about Harleys here... -L- Only thing I'd be afraid of with about 90% of Harley riders is that they would sit on me. Or make me kiss thier girl friends...
I have never had problems with any harley riders. Actually, in my area the freaking harley riders wave more than the sport bike riders. I was harassed by a guy riding a hayabusa like mine on the hwy last time i almost killed myself riding. He wanted to race and he was aggressive. It was a little while before i almost rear-ended the wrecked car...
Hahahah funny. I still wear my T-shirt to the Harley bars.

"Get a real Bike you F---ing *****" Hey I figure if they can't take a joke I can double their speed and they can not catch me." Most have fun with it especially when they see the bike.
Ah yea... what Sam said. You need some new rider friends then....
Sorry guys, the Busa is a better bike, no doubt.

BUT.....1%'rs own the streets and usually run the gangs drug supplies.
Vice Lords in Chicago wash the Outlaws bikes. I hate to tell you that.
I watched it myself. Vice Lords are the oldest street gang in Chicago
and it's a business relationship....

Trust me, Hells Angels out of NYC don't get ****** with by your
average pack of Hayabusa riders either. Claiming to be the biggest
badasses on the block because a bike is badass is retarded.

Harley is a lifestyle.
Busa is just a bike. 99.9% won't say it, but I will.
Yes, the Hayabusa is better, but the fact is.....most 1%'rs
are criminals who have no qualms about putting you down.
If you don't know what a 1 percenter is....look it up.

I don't live in a hicktown, I grew up in Chicago around biker
gangs and ghetto's and gangs my whole life. Of course there are
the typical fat ass slobs on them though, I'm not talking about them.
....and trust me, there are some fatass slobs on Busa's too.

<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
On June 10, 1997, US Attorneys indicted 17 members of the Outlaws motorcycle club for racketeering, murder, narcotics trafficking, and bombing. Members were from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana chapters. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms completed a 2 ½ year investigation sparked by a war between the Outlaws and Hell's Angels for control over areas of Chicago and Milwaukee.[/quote]

How many Hayabusa riders in gangs are there that you know of ??
So in closing....there's reality, and then there's denial.
Ah yea... what Sam said. You need some new rider friends then....
Sorry guys, the Busa is a better bike, no doubt.

BUT.....1%'rs own the streets and usually run the gangs drug supplies.
Vice Lords in Chicago wash the Outlaws bikes. I hate to tell you that.
I watched it myself. Vice Lords are the oldest street gang in Chicago
and it's a business relationship....

Trust me, Hells Angels out of NYC don't get ****** with by your
average pack of Hayabusa riders either. Claiming to be the biggest
badasses on the block because a bike is badass is retarded.

Harley is a lifestyle.
Busa is just a bike. 99.9% won't say it, but I will.
Yes, the Hayabusa is better, but the fact is.....most 1%'rs
are criminals who have no qualms about putting you down.
If you don't know what a 1 percenter is....look it up.

I don't live in a hicktown, I grew up in Chicago around biker
gangs and ghetto's and gangs my whole life. Of course there are
the typical fat ass slobs on them though, I'm not talking about them.
....and trust me, there are some fatass slobs on Busa's too.

<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:
<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
On June 10, 1997, US Attorneys indicted 17 members of the Outlaws motorcycle club for racketeering, murder, narcotics trafficking, and bombing. Members were from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana chapters. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms completed a 2 ½ year investigation sparked by a war between the Outlaws and Hell's Angels for control over areas of Chicago and Milwaukee.[/quote]

How many Hayabusa riders in gangs are there that you know of ??
So in closing....there's reality, and then there's denial.  
In this post you are referring to a relatively small group of people. In your original post you said that "most" would yadda yadda yadda. That small group get no more respect from me than any other group of riders. And no, I'm not saying I'm some Billy Badass. I just dont give a damn. No one is better than me. They can shoot and stab all they want but they better not miss because I dont. That's reality. Not denial
Wow, this turned from just being funny to "which biker gang is better"....LOL

I bought the bike because of what it is, not because of image or others who ride the same.

We are the lucky ones, even those that ride other brands. We have a great community that is not about "racketeering, murder, narcotics trafficking, and bombing." We have fun......

All I am saying is that if the guy in the commercial rode up on a Busa, it probably would have been a hotter chick and a nicer house...
In this post you are referring to a relatively small group of people. In your original post you said that "most" would yadda yadda yadda. That small group get no more respect from me than any other group of riders. And no, I'm not saying I'm some Billy Badass. I just dont give a damn. No one is better than me. They can shoot and stab all they want but they better not miss because I dont. That's reality. Not denial
First, Cool, I can respect your willingness to stand tall.
No doubt.

But, Like I said, Most BIKERS, I didn't say most Harley Riders, there is a difference
in terms in case maybe you didn't know that. Bikers are a reference to 1%'rs or usually
the criminal element of that category of motorcycle enthusiasts. A harley rider could
be anything from a yuppie Dr on a bad boy trip ..lol....or some lardass old man with a fag old hag wearing out his rear shocks.

So I just wanted to clarify what my point was because it seemed to be misunderstood by ya.

I would expect ANYONE to try and stand tall, no doubt.
The fact of the matter is though, sometimes it's not so smart to try.....
Sometimes it's better to realize you're staring an ugly situation in the face and leave it alone.
Like if you've ever been to Sturgis (I have) it's a lawless madhouse at times.

To each his own, and that doesn't make you less of a man, it makes you a smarter man.

My post was in response to someone elses comical post about a Busa rider being a bigger badass.
So it wasn't meant to ruffle anyone's feathers, it's all in jest.

In the end, ride safe, and enjoy life, and avoid the drama in life I say. Peace.
I bought the bike because of what it is, not because of image or others who ride the same.
We agree on that.

That is the only reason I bought it, not because of who owned it.
Believe it or not though, I'm noticing a whole HELL of alot more
Busa's around my house though .....seems everyone is getting them.