AZ RIDERS: MURDER of multiple riders on the 74

I agree with dmrowe on this one,
Gun, car, knife, truck, Its murder,

Neither am I. Seems it is OK to kill people with a motor vehicle (texting, reading, doing nails, etc.), they call it an 'accident'. If you did it with a gun its murder. Whatever the method the individual should have known that what they were doing is inherently dangerous and could have fatal consequences. Hey just a few less bikers to worry about, damn noisy things...right?
Truck driver is a murderer. He should be tortured to death. Over a couple days.

That just is not right..but I guarantee you he will be tortured for the rest of his life with his senseless inattention..So many people's lifes shattered with no recourse.
My guess would be that the worst they could charge him with would be multiple counts of vehicular manslaughter? Any police officers or lawyers on this thread?
:please:Prayers to the family's of the fallen riders.:please: And I hope those family's sue the hell out of the truck driver and company that he work for.