B-King back in 2010

With VW buying into Suzuki motors for 15% ownership, the 2.5 billion in cash will be a great boost to the company. On the heels of that, I have been reading news blurbs that the B-King may come back in late 2010 during other model role out?

Have to wait and see...either way Suzuki getting the money is great news if they use it correctly!
very good, i wait a bking 2010!
The kawi bking wanna be is the Z 1000 which has been around for A Whileeeeeee...its a really nice and smooth as well as fast...not a zuk but...its a great bike neverthless...imo i dont think we will see any 2010 B kings any time soon as well as any zuk 10 models...maybe late 10....i tested one and wasn't impressed...just styling is not my choice...great bikes i guess though...
I'm still waiting for a 2010 'Busa! I wrote about this whole "Suzuki going under" thing a few weeks ago. Very hard to get any truthful info on the whole deal. Since no new "busa's are on the horizon, I might wait for the new Honda VFR 1200 coming out in March. I just might give that a try!
I love my B King but it does not seem likely that it will be back in the states. We in the states are clueless about naked bikes. We buy stuff cause it "looks cool" not because it performs well or is usable. Take marginal bike wrap it in plastic , give it ergos that would make Spanish Inquisitors wince you wont be able to keep them in the show room. ( I love my 05 busa but thenumber one mod for busas are Riser's Heli Bars and Buell pegs) Build a comfortable upright seat bike that makes sense you will have left overs. To bad tooRding the B King sold it to me.

very true, if it were not, all we need is Pacer's, Gremlins and scooters. Almost forgot the Edsel for the FOG's out there.

No matter what it looks like, someone will buy it.

Sorry to slam scooter owners, Pacer and Gremlin past and present owners. And if you own an Edsel....your lucky, they are valuable now.


On another subject..... some people in other countries cannot understand why we drive and talk on cell phones, ride motorcycles without helmets. Sell cars with cup holders.

It's America :laugh:
The 2010 B-King is comming to Australia!
Check it out:


Suzuki WILL have 2010 bikes, but for some MX and 4 wheelers they will be extremely limited.
Hell Suzuki won the 450 and 250 outdoor motocross championships in the US.
Suzuki Racing told me that they will have 100 dealers go under by the end of Feb 2010. Thats one heck of a hit.
Suzuki isn't going anywhere, they just decided to hold off on delivery of the 2010 bikes so as not to lose as much money as the "other" big three.
2010 B King, not likely here in the US.

i would buy the 2010 version, swap it for the 08 i have, only thing is, I want a 2nd hayabusa! i would buy the 2010, if it could keep up with the hayabusa, even if it has the same top speed...

I only brought a hayabusa cus it was the "fastest bike" not because of anything else...
I'm still waiting for a 2010 'Busa! I wrote about this whole "Suzuki going under" thing a few weeks ago. Very hard to get any truthful info on the whole deal. Since no new "busa's are on the horizon, I might wait for the new Honda VFR 1200 coming out in March. I just might give that a try!

that is one ugly bike it look as bad as the victory vision
