Me and my girlfreind rode to the gap on Sat., to meet up with the boy,s from the board, and everything went well til we decided to go on a ride to the skyway, and once we headed out, I new I didn,t think it all the way through, my girlfreind rides a 750 Vulcaln, and dosn,t do the the twestie,s like we do, Well, to make a long story short, I mixed it up wih the Boy,s for a while, and then I had to wait on my girl, and by then, the ride was over, so we went back to the resort to wait on the other,s to return after talking to hookn203 wife for an hour, we had to head home, the rain was a comin, but all in all it was nice meeting everyone, Tom, from Veltune/hookn203, rasingcain,and all the other,s