Bad news for NY guys

May try to be passed as a noise ordinance in NYC, but not throughout the state.
I would question:
At what RPM will test be conducted?
At what distance from pipe?
At what speed?
At what throttle opening?
Will they test moving or stationary?
With what background noise? City traffic or a quiet building with concrete walls to reflect ambient conditions?
Will the same noise ordinance apply to tractor trailers using tghe "jake brake"? How about air brakes?
Who will pay for the testing equipment?
That's about it for now. I won't even get into the enforcement aspect. I say screw the idea. Get the guys on the rev limiter for no reason at a stop light, leave the rest of us alone. :moon:
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The new law is strictly for motorcycles. According to the report I read, the 80db noise limit has been on the books for years its just that it was never really enforced. The noise certification will be easily visible by any officer so they wont have to measure it themselves. If you dont have the tag you get the fine. Its that simple. The law is being written so even the Parking Violations officers (meter maids) can write you while parked. And yes, even though it applies to all bikes it is due to the overly loud Harleys.
I could imagine some riders running from the man if this law was applied. Think about iT.
You. A responsible adult on your way for a nice ride when you are pulled over. You have no moving,no parking just a clean record then BAM! Your exhaust system which isn't loud in the hands of an adult gets you a nice fine and to top it off they take your ride. They are out of their minds. Like PD said. Nail the dude at the light hitting his rev limiter. Nail the Harley dude with his straight pipes. Leave the rest of us alone.
May try to be passed as a noise ordinance in NYC, but not throughout the state.
I would question:
At what RPM will test be conducted?
At what distance from pipe?
At what speed?
At what throttle opening?
Will they test moving or stationary?
With what background noise? City traffic or a quiet building with concrete walls to reflect ambient conditions?
Will the same noise ordinance apply to tractor trailers using tghe "jake brake"? How about air brakes?
Who will pay for the testing equipment?
That's about it for now. I won't even get into the enforcement aspect. I say screw the idea. Get the guys on the rev limiter for no reason at a stop light, leave the rest of us alone. :moon:

WTF doesn't ANYBODY read my post?
The idea is for the LEO to just look for the factory markings saying EPA compliant. Or an equivalent sticker or cert. This way they don't need a sound meter.

This way, LEO can walk by a parked bike, and check the cert. Then they can ticket just like an overdue reg or inspection.

Easy way to generate revenue, without the complications of proving the case.

And, no, I don't like really loud stuff either.:poke:
WTF doesn't ANYBODY read my post?
The idea is for the LEO to just look for the factory markings saying EPA compliant. Or an equivalent sticker or cert. This way they don't need a sound meter.

This way, LEO can walk by a parked bike, and check the cert. Then they can ticket just like an overdue reg or inspection.

Easy way to generate revenue, without the complications of proving the case.

And, no, I don't like really loud stuff either.:poke:

NYPD isnt the only ones that can write you. The damn meter maids are in on this too.
Great for business, Brocks needs to get to work on silencers :whistle:

I doubt it, the aim is to have OEM equipment only. I'm sure the testing costs would prohibitt aftermarket companies from being able to comply. They would likely have to submit samples to the EPA not NYC and pay for testing on each and every model and year of bike the exhaust fit. Plus supply the bike and pay for the testing and renew the license every few years.

of course this is the same state that now proposes "an 18 percent tax on soda and other sugary drinks". it's called the "Obesity tax".

Yup, it's the Mecca for liberals. Perfect example of how their minds work.

sure glad i have md`s all about the dollar.

Don't think it will only apply to NY registered bikes. If it's in their jurisdiction you can bet the will cite it.
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A council member here in NYC is trying to get a law passed that would require motorcycles to get a EPA certification for the exhaust. It must be less than 80db to pass. The certification would be placed on the exhaust itself. Anyone without one is subject to a fine even if the bike is parked. The first fine is $1000 and the second time is $2500 and the bike will be confiscated until the owner complies. The city council will vote on it the 18th.
I pray it doesnt pass.:please:

Can you Mod the can after they put the sticker on it.
Will the same noise ordinance apply to tractor trailers using tghe "jake brake"? How about air brakes?
I am a truck driver and in many cities and small towns there are laws against any type of engine or exhaust brakes used within city limits.
Again the same problem with the straight pipe harley riders, some truck drivers( owner ops) do the same thing. The take the muffler off and put a 6 inch straight pipe on it and then turn the jake brake on and BAAAWWAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!! they shake the windows in you house at 2am.
Can you Mod the can after they put the sticker on it.

sure you can but... according to the EPA, it is good for a 10G fine PER occurrence.. 2 cans/ 20G.. (the amounts may have changed in recent years)

Technically you can not make any changes to any device associated with Emission control systems.. Modded air box/aftermarket exhaust/AIR removal all qualify for fines..

There were shops that had piles of old cats laying around in the 70's and early 80's.. The EPA guys rolled in, stacked them up and wrote the fine.. (10G each) not much appeal rights to their citations either.. some guys got fines reduced (so they could stay in business) others just went belly up.. We had thrown ours on the roof of the building..(old dealership with on roof parking way back when)
WTF doesn't ANYBODY read my post?
The idea is for the LEO to just look for the factory markings saying EPA compliant. Or an equivalent sticker or cert. This way they don't need a sound meter.

This way, LEO can walk by a parked bike, and check the cert. Then they can ticket just like an overdue reg or inspection.

Easy way to generate revenue, without the complications of proving the case.

And, no, I don't like really loud stuff either.:poke:

Nope. It's in the rules, "don't read anything Glyn posts" :poke:

I can see all the major motorcycle companies bowing down to NYC and affixing factory NYC EPA noise compliance certificates to all thier bikes. Nope, don't see it happening. As far as the state mandating it? Nope, don't see that either. To test it would require an inspection station to have the necessary meters, policy, etc.. It's already in the NYSVTL about "cutouts", but nothing I'm familiar with for noise limits. That's usually up to local municipalities to write into local "codes".
Hey, I could be wrong though. It happened once before.... :whistle:
Nope. It's in the rules, "don't read anything Glyn posts"

Well, THAT explains an awful lot then :rofl:

How did I miss that :whistle: