Bad start to a beautiful day

i wish ur pops a good speedy recovery. glad nothing tradgic occurred!!!
My heart dropped when you said he face planted until you added he had a full face lid on.

I'm glad to hear he is doing fine, keep pics of that lid as a public service announcement. crappy way to start any day..

just glad he isn't hurt worse..
Glad he's ok. +1 on the gear. I know I can vouch for Arai. I landed on my head at about 40mph and I walked away with only a sore hip and arm from the impact.
So glad he's okay!!! Thank goodness for the gear...I'm surrounded by riders that just don't wear the right gear, my Dad and hubby included. It drives me nuts and worries me to no end...I'm glad your Dad wears his...

Hope he heals quickly!!
From one dad to another, tell him I said I'm glad he's OK!

As for buttons - my winter jacket has buttons on the front, but there is a zipper behind that with an inner liner that's also water proof. Us dad's need good gear!