Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism

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If you want eight more years in Iraq and Afghanistan and lots more American deaths, what's it up to now, 3,000 or is it 4,000?, go ahead and vote for McCain. He's not only too old, he's a conquered man. Hanoi did that to him. His own government let him sit in the Hilton for far too many years as it did all the others that rotted away in Hanoi. Oh yeah, how about a half TRILLION dollar budget deficit from the outgoing presidency? Happy with that are you? You can bet your azz that Bush and Cheney haven't felt the economic troubles that most of us have. And you gripe about the possibility of free education and medical coverage for US residents? As for being a good candidate for the US presidency, Bush and McCain are two sides of the same right wing, redneck, old boy network, counterfeit coin. Vote your conscience and hopefully the best man will win.
Kind of funny how the Liberals complain about the 3-4K deaths caused by the war in a 5 year period, by those who voluntarily chose to join and fight to protect our great nation. However it's ok to abort that many babies a day, whom have no choice in the matter! Remember, some must die to protect the rights and freedom of others.
30,000 to 40,000 Americans die each year in traffic collisions.
no seems to be upset about this fact.

We cannot bury our heads in the sand and think we will be left alone.
Oh and the president no matter who it may be, does not control the weather or gas prices.
We need find a better way get around. Oil and gas cannot last forever.

Korean war memorial in Washington DC...quote..."Freedom is not Free"

If you want eight more years in Iraq and Afghanistan and lots more American deaths, what's it up to now, 3,000 or is it 4,000?, go ahead and vote for McCain. He's not only too old, he's a conquered man. Hanoi did that to him. His own government let him sit in the Hilton for far too many years as it did all the others that rotted away in Hanoi. Oh yeah, how about a half TRILLION dollar budget deficit from the outgoing presidency? Happy with that are you? You can bet your azz that Bush and Cheney haven't felt the economic troubles that most of us have. And you gripe about the possibility of free education and medical coverage for US residents? As for being a good candidate for the US presidency, Bush and McCain are two sides of the same right wing, redneck, old boy network, counterfeit coin. Vote your conscience and hopefully the best man will win.
Kind of funny how the Liberals complain about the 3-4K deaths caused by the war in a 5 year period, by those who voluntarily chose to join and fight to protect our great nation. However it's ok to abort that many babies a day, whom have no choice in the matter! Remember, some must die to protect the rights and freedom of others.
30,000 to 40,000 Americans die each year in traffic collisions.
no seems to be upset about this fact.

We cannot bury our heads in the sand and think we will be left alone.
Oh and the president no matter who it may be, does not control the weather or gas prices.
We need find a better way get around. Oil and gas cannot last forever.

Korean war memorial in Washington DC...quote..."Freedom is not Free"
+ 1 well put

Guess until we get hit big time on our own land again, the liberal view point will remain passive and looking at blue sky.... when that sky is full of smoke, maybe they will look down the path they are running..

Guess until we get hit big time on our own land again, the liberal view point will remain passive and looking at blue sky....   when that sky is full of smoke, maybe they will look down the path they are running..
What does another terrorist attack have to do with anything? Since it's been proven over and over and over ad nauseum that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, I don't see the connection. Is it the right wing premise that as long as we're attacking someone (even if that country had nothing to do with anything) we're somehow safer?

If we need to be attacking someone just to feel safe then why didn't we just invade Mexico? They had just as much to do with 911 as Iraq did, but they're a lot closer - think of all the money we'd have saved in logistics alone.

Typical GOP fear mongering - cracks me up.

Guess until we get hit big time on our own land again, the liberal view point will remain passive and looking at blue sky....   when that sky is full of smoke, maybe they will look down the path they are running..
What does another terrorist attack have to do with anything?  Since it's been proven over and over and over ad nauseum that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, I don't see the connection.  Is it the right wing premise that as long as we're attacking someone (even if that country had nothing to do with anything) we're somehow safer?  

If we need to be attacking someone just to feel safe then why didn't we just invade Mexico?  They had just as much to do with 911 as Iraq did, but they're a lot closer - think of all the money we'd have saved in logistics alone.

Typical GOP fear mongering - cracks me up.  
Good logic...

This is why I frequently raise the BS flag when we are dosed with right wing propaganda..
a graph based on todays dollar?
guess I missed something... stats can be manipulated to say what ever you want but I fail to see the relevance.. As fuel prices in the USA have been extremely low based on world prices, our prices today are right in line with inflation...

in the last 2 or 3 years, what has come to pass is that the ultra elite that want no new refineries (over the last 30 years), or drilling of our own resources has pushed our imports from 30% (or there abouts) to 70%...

you think imported oil costs us less or the same as our own? We are maxed on gas production and more crude will reduce costs,however, demand will prop up prices at the pump until production can outstrip demand..

here are the real numbers.. (real dollars, raw data)


fear mongering?

A specific religious group had sworn to kill anyone not falling into their religious beliefs.. Either join us or die..

Not the first time in recorded history this has happened either.. in fact not even the second or third time... Is all this "propaganda" as well?

all pretty senseless, if you ask me, but really sad to see some of the "head in the sand" stuff going on today... in 20 years it will not matter all that much anyway...
That what graph said, right on the top of the graph and I find it to be accurate. You should stop listening right wing propaganda and do a little research if you really concerned.

Here is some facts for you.

Reasons for Iraq War: Bush or Cheney?
When elected, Bush was opposed to "nation building," but **** Cheney brought in eight fellow neocons who advocated "regime change" and re-building Iraq. This was before 9/11 and had nothing to do with Bush's war on terrorism.

Cheney's group all belonged to PNAC or IASPS. IASPS advocated regime change to increase Israeli security, while PNAC focused on our Middle East allies but named only Israel. Using 9/11, Cheney and the neocons convinced Bush to go against the long-standing conservative principles he proclaimed during his election campaign.
Guess until we get hit big time on our own land again, the liberal view point will remain passive and looking at blue sky.... when that sky is full of smoke, maybe they will look down the path they are running..

That statement above is yours, Bogus - the contention that if we elect Obama we will be attacked (at least that's how I took it - please correct me if I'm wrong). So, yes, along with being totally ridiculous, it is also fear mongering.

It is my opinion that anyone that just "goes with whatever Bush says" is the one with their head in the sand.
I'm constantly amazed at the idiotic things I read concerning Obama.
+10  So far I've heard he's the 12th Imam, the son of satan, and now apparently he's a protege of Karl Marx.  It's only going to get better and better as the publicans get more and more desperate.
Armen, I thought you were staying out of this suff!! Now go run a lap or something!
I know Chris - I guess I never learn.

yea lets get those guys who have succeded and earn 250K it not fair if there is not equal outcome for all right?
Not what Obama is talking about in the least . There are huge tax breaks for those earning in excess of 7 digits, and why not change a lagging contribution rate for SS? Raising the income level to 140K would catch SS up in a short time.

<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>
Kind of funny how the Liberals complain about the 3-4K deaths caused by the war in a 5 year period, by those who voluntarily chose to join and fight to protect our great nation. However it's ok to abort that many babies a day, whom have no choice in the matter! Remember, some must die to protect the rights and freedom of others.[/quote]

Many brave soldiers have died in wars in which there was no other option. Please don't try to lie to yourself about there having been no option to invading Iraq. There's been no proof whatsoever that we were ever in danger. Don't even breathe 9/11. No connection has been proved. No proof of the infamous weapons of mass destruction. Has removing Hussein been worth the 4,000 American, God knows how many Iraqui lives and what is approaching half a trillion dollars? That money would go a long, long way in the financial intrastructure right here at home. Also, don't assume anyone's opinion on abortion. You might be surprised. The post of this thread being fruitless is spot on. Everybody's mind is made up, anyway.
Oh and the president no matter who it may be, does not control the weather or gas prices.
We need find a better way get around. Oil and gas cannot last forever.
I see, You sure about it because Bush said so...

Now take a look at this chart. What do you think is interesting happened in 2000 and 2004.

Well, Throw in 09 11 2001, then a market dropping, There are other factors other than Bush and a war that effect the economy.

A Socialized government is not going to work in the US. Socialized medical care is fine in some places but it is not going to work here.

We need to find alternative fuel sources and close our boarders when it comes to trade. Become self efficient as a nation and not worry about every other country more than our own.
Guess until we get hit big time on our own land again, the liberal view point will remain passive and looking at blue sky.... when that sky is full of smoke, maybe they will look down the path they are running..

That statement above is yours, Bogus - the contention that if we elect Obama we will be attacked (at least that's how I took it - please correct me if I'm wrong). So, yes, along with being totally ridiculous, it is also fear mongering.

It is my opinion that anyone that just "goes with whatever Bush says" is the one with their head in the sand.
has absolutely nothing to do with "who gets elected"

if "re-stating" what has been openly expressed, published, and taught to a growing number of children, then sure... it is fear mongering..
Our government constantly pays our farmers NOT to work their land, Oil companies to cap their fields and not pump oil, Not to use an abundance of oil found right under our noses off shore, in the everglades, and so on while other countries tap those sources off shore. Any potential new resource for fuel is quickly stopped by the government via lobbyists for the big oil companies, hell in Illinois it is illegal to drive a all electric car, can't find a way to tax the use. Come on, there are more problems that we have to deal with that are out of the presidents hands. I don't believe either president can make much of a change. He is more of a symbol than anything else. He does not run the country. Large Business like the oil companies run our country.
Oh and the president no matter who it may be, does not control the weather or gas prices.
We need find a better way get around. Oil and gas cannot last forever.
I see, You sure about it because Bush said so...

Now take a look at this chart. What do you think is interesting happened in 2000 and 2004.

Well what happened in 2004 is that the Democrats took control of Congress. I'm afraid to see what happens if both the White House and Congress are Democratic.
I have to agree with it being a no win thread....neither one of the candidates are really a great choice.
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