Bash and Hayabusa Bash

While I am on a roll, why did you guys delete the post that Fireman put up about the bash? Where in the rules does it say that he can not post information about a motorcycle event? He didn't know that there were issues yet you imposed your will against him. Exactly what your mission statement says that you aren't supposed to do.

You seem to have an interesting interpretation of the mission statement. Either way, nobody owes you an explanation. If Gary wants to talk about it, he's free to send me a PM.
Of course no one owes me an explanation just like I don't owe you one, but I did. This is exactly the kind of BS that is driving people away from you. Eventually, you all will get it.
John, I am actually appreciative of your post...
First, to you and all members who were put off by my working on bikes; you have my sincere apologies. I mean this. I guess in a way, I enjoy it, but I also enjoy being in a position to help people and that is one way I can. It was never my intention (and I don't mind speaking for Omar because i know it was never his) to alienate or push off anyone...

Let me clear the air for all about the Tropical Paradise Mod fest...

Actually, let's flash back to November of 2008; my ex-wife and I decided to split while I was in Iraq; it was actually the day that I got there- and it was devastating. When I came home to move her stuff out west, Omar and Michelle dropped everything in Decemeber to come and help me turn my base house back in and then go back to Iraq; the day that I left, my Dad passed away...

It was a very difficult time for me and most people never knew how bad it really was; but Omar and Michelle did.

Now fast forward to the mod fest in paradise. I was in the process of finalizing my divorce and got hit with all of the legal expenses and other costs... I couldn't afford to go to the Bash... And when I called then to let them know that I wouldn't be able to make it, they dropped everything and came to see me and Dawn and we had a heckuva time but it wasn't a Bash... It was friends being supportive...

Nothing sinister, just my best friends helping me through a difficult time...

I think I may even have explained some of this before...

So, as I mentioned to your better half, as this has gone on more and more people have dug in and interpreted and misinterpreted things said and things done, but in many cases on both sides, the worst is assumed.

I don't believe that I was disrespectful to you or to her- I don't do veiled... If I am fiery it is clear and I have a reason (at least to me)...
One other thing I'll point out RacerV is back when you used to post here a lot (which I do miss) you were one of the brashest ones here. No nonsense, tell it like it is type of poster. No matter if it hurt any other members feelings or not. Now you are saying that the mods are picking and choosing what posts they delete? My biggest gripe about all this is that all we would always poke fun back and forth at each other and now all of a sudden it's personal?

Not sure what changed but either I've changed with the org or you've changed a different way or something else. My last bash was in 2012 Danielle wasn't there and we had a blast, remember? I remember GixxerHP working on your bike that spring (chain and sprockets if I remember right) and you didn't have an issue with the bike shop setup then. Why now?

I'm sure FastFrog didn't complain about MC and Omslaw working on his bike. Or Willie?

I just don't get it. Yeah I can see why you'd want more people. Who wouldn't? I can also see the liability reasons that a website of so many thousands of members can't do what you guys want. I had a blast the week I was down there and wouldn't change it for the world.

I'm honestly sorry you didn't enjoy the time you spent there. Meeting me, etc. I won't forget that week. The ride in Loomis' truck home from shooting, etc. sorry you guys don't feel the same way.

I can even understand the weather issue you have with the date. But guys like me aren't gonna back out of something we planned for months and saved hundreds of dollars for, took time off work, etc just because of rain. Who's to say it won't rain in May? Hell it snowed here a week ago. :banghead:

I'll just lay it out there since I'll prolly be labeled as one of the clique from here on out. I'm disappointed in you John. Your intent may have been the best thing in the world but your delivery was a slap in the face.

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John, I am actually appreciative of your post...
First, to you and all members who were put off by my working on bikes; you have my sincere apologies. I mean this. I guess in a way, I enjoy it, but I also enjoy being in a position to help people and that is one way I can. It was never my intention (and I don't mind speaking for Omar because i know it was never his) to alienate or push off anyone...

Let me clear the air for all about the Tropical Paradise Mod fest...

Actually, let's flash back to November of 2008; my ex-wife and I decided to split while I was in Iraq; it was actually the day that I got there- and it was devastating. When I came home to move her stuff out west, Omar and Michelle dropped everything in Decemeber to come and help me turn my base house back in and then go back to Iraq; the day that I left, my Dad passed away...

It was a very difficult time for me and most people never knew how bad it really was; but Omar and Michelle did.

Now fast forward to the mod fest in paradise. I was in the process of finalizing my divorce and got hit with all of the legal expenses and other costs... I couldn't afford to go to the Bash... And when I called then to let them know that I wouldn't be able to make it, they dropped everything and came to see me and Dawn and we had a heckuva time but it wasn't a Bash... It was friends being supportive...

Nothing sinister, just my best friends helping me through a difficult time...

I think I may even have explained some of this before...

So, as I mentioned to your better half, as this has gone on more and more people have dug in and interpreted and misinterpreted things said and things done, but in many cases on both sides, the worst is assumed.

I don't believe that I was disrespectful to you or to her- I don't do veiled... If I am fiery it is clear and I have a reason (at least to me)...

Dude please don't apologize to a stupid comment like "open a shop". I am a person who was helped to get the Busa home by these guys "working on bikes at the bash" and I never got so much as a decent conversation from John. If you want to add an event you don't schedule it 2 weeks after the same event unless you want to spoil the attendance of the real event. Even an idiot knows that. So if that's what you are doing man up and see who follows. But don't insult some really good people who know the meaning of friendship. If this was about creating "another event" then you would have planned it for the summer so people would have 3 choices with the Spring, Summer, & Fall Bash.

Sorry, I was trying to stay out of this but that crack about Shawn and Omar working on bikes pissed me off. I apologize in advance to you RacerV.
Here is my 2015 Spring bash will be at Ilse of Man TT races, with my bikes, all are welcome to come.

I am soo done with this stuff, there are comments said,, back and forth, and there is clearly no, fix for the issues either way.
All for stupid reasons, on each side.

I soo wish that it could be all worked out, but there are always something either way!

Isle of Mann TT Race. I Rocking that trip With ya GixerHp.
Dear friends, please take a step back. The Bash has started and hopefully everything will go well and everyone will have a decent time. I've read this entire thread. Lets not break into camps. I have friends on both sides of this mild disagreement and I plan on it staying that way.

No one ever truly knows another's heart. I jumped to a conclusion about the Hayabusa Bash that might have been wrong. I'll probably never know the truth and it's not critical, but after the Fall Bash Date and announcement I tend to think that John's trying to do the right thing.

I'd like all my friends to come together for all of us and accept that John has taken upon himself to try to make the Bash something we can all enjoy and lets be supportive not combative. Danielle has made a large effort as well.

I love everyone of you and I would like for everyone to take a moment and relax and not be set in any opinions and understand that things are sometimes said in heated moments that are later regretted.

I'm asking respectfully that everyone share positively.
Sorry I didn't comment Sooner, I've be at the Track the Last two Days :thumbsup: Yes RacerV and Myself spoke about the Small turn out in Robbinsville last year. We all know the Spring bash is Bigger then the Fall Bash Every Year. and has be losing number every year since 2008. I'm sure a lot of that is due to the Economy. But I had someone tell me (2010) that the Bash is Not the same as the Eureka Springs, AR event that the bash groups are separate and more people go off on there own. Please charm in if you remember this conversation with me. So from that point on I started Organizing Safe group rides for Novice and Immediate riders. I would plan 2 to 6 hour rides, for 3 or 4 days. Give everyone and time and place to meet, and gave a riders safety meeting and had one ride with two group. For the Last 3 years, People that know me, I Don't drink, I'm there to RIDE, meet people and have Fun it's a Vacation for me. I got teased, all in Fun for going to bed at 10 o'clock. Would get up early get breakfast with who every wanted to join, and meet the ride group at 9 or 10am to do the ride for the day. We had great people and I have very fond memories of those people and those riders who participated. So Now we are at a Crossroads, with the Org, Everybody wanted to get both groups together so we make the Fall date the same and Now the some admins and Org member Don't want to join together, I just find it hard to see why you won't participate and want to change it to a New location. I'm there to get people together and have a safe group and ride route for anyone that wants to Ride. It's about the Ride for me and the People. Not the Groups. I hope to stay in touch with everybody, As I am still on the Org, Hayabusabash and Facebook. Ride with you all Soon.

Please Comment if you have be on my Group Ride, Thanks.
I said I was only going to post once and I've really tried to stick to that but as I read "both sides" of this conversation I feel that by calling it a "bash" and making it so close to the same time (within weeks) that it's a passive aggressive attempt to make those of us that can do either, but not both, "choose sides". And while I'm sure that's not the intent, it is none the less the reality of the situation for me. If this is about options and new experiences, why not create a bigger gap between the event or give it a different name or have it in a different location to give people more opportunities throughout the year?
I agree with fallenarch and Dan. Another bash so close to the original is suspect. Why wasn't a summer bash planned, organized, advertized, etc.? I remember past threads about the original bash interfering with Easter, school spring breaks, moving it affecting Mother's Day, etc....

Regardless, I hope the folks attending either one, or both events, enjoy old/new friends, stay safe, and enjoy the great area.
Jon, I will say the same thing to you that I said to John. What threw me over the edge was the statement about "the other bash". But if the fall dates were designed to being us together, then it wouldn't have been mentioned on every Busa forum on Facebook EXCEPT this one; with no mention of it here. That was NOT an effort to reconnect is all, that was an announcement that the Hayabusa Bash is the event and it is here to stay. I am fine with that, I choose not to participate.

This is not a they and them, this is me- just like I told John yesterday. I am not speaking for the oRg I typed what I was thinking.

My problem with all of this is that from the beginning this was thrown out there and it was assumed that when the dates were changed people would just go along with it. But it was never put to the members for input and when they balked and wanted the dates to stay in April because of prior plans or Mother's Day or whatever, I posted a poll about leaving two dates or combining. But arrangements had already been made and there was no way the two events would combine.

When I saw the first biannual flyer for the Hayabusa Bash I spoke with John and asked if it was biannual or semiannual.

The dates for the Hayabusa Bash in the fall showing up all over Facebook except here and with no announcement here just smells to me like hey, we got here first, we will use the same dates they would use, now it is ours.

All I said is great- you've got it as far as I am concerned.

You and John are friends of mine. We have all ridden together. We have shared laughs and sadness together.

All I am saying is that I am sad that we disagree, but we do. I will not let that affect friendship...
Thanks Poppy.

At the end of the day, we all ride and we all love riding, that's what brought us together. Whichever date works best for you, please be safe, have fun and make it home to ride again.
For the record and for everyone's information:
They didn't post a bash so close to ours- they changed the dates and when members complained to the mods/admins about what and why, there were members who still wanted it in April.

I posted a poll back then about there being two Bashes and they were pretty even which is why the normal Bash dates were placed.

The Hayabusa Bash was intended to BE THE BASH... There are two dates because members here wanted one in April.

I am posting this in fairness because I initially tried to have the two events combined back into the bash... But I made that attempt too late.
For the record and for everyone's information:
They didn't post a bash so close to ours- they changed the dates and when members complained to the mods/admins about what and why, there were members who still wanted it in April.

I posted a poll back then about there being two Bashes and they were pretty even which is why the normal Bash dates were placed.

The Hayabusa Bash was intended to BE THE BASH... There are two dates because members here wanted one in April.

I am posting this in fairness because I initially tried to have the two events combined back into the bash... But I made that attempt too late.

Thanks for keeping the record straight.
When I saw the first biannual flyer for the Hayabusa Bash I spoke with John and asked if it was biannual or semiannual.

I don't know why people can't get these straight, either. Bi means 2, think bicycle. Semi means half, think semicircle. Go ahead, write your own joke about Semi and half or bi.
You seem to have an interesting interpretation of the mission statement. Either way, nobody owes you an explanation. If Gary wants to talk about it, he's free to send me a PM.

Well since my name has been brought in I guess its OK to post up.Yea I was the one that posted the flyer referencing the May Bash dates. I originally posted it in the 2014 Hayabusa Bash section which is where I thought you post about ride events. I had been reading about different members not being able to make the April dates for one reason or another so I thought it would be a good idea to post that flyer so it would at least give members an opportunity to make at least one event or maybe both. After all I thought the Bash was an opportunity to meet people that are members here and do some great riding, or at least that's what I thought it was when I attended my first event. I've only been coming the last two years and I had no idea that posting about another ride event would cause so much problem. The post was quickly moved to another section by the moderators and then some time later it was removed completely and I had no idea as to why until I started reading various post concerning the conflict between the two events. Seems like when this all started McMustang made a "Poll" posting asking something about the dates being moved, or having two different dates or something like that, I'm 49 so memory fails me a lot. I actually thought that was a good idea, it gave everyone an opportunity to make at least one event if they had scheduling conflicts. I don't really know and it really doesn't matter to me what the conflict is between the members that are involved. I try to stay away from the Drama as much as possible, I have two girls and I hear enough drama. I've enjoyed the Bash's that I've been to so far, it gave me an opportunity to put some faces with some screen names, some I remember and some I don't, but that's the memory thing again. I've met some really great people from all over and rode with some experienced riders that were happy to share techniques. I've seen bikes torn down and repaired by flashlight and learned a lot just from watching. The attendance at the last Bash was pretty low but Gixrhp hooked me up with a throttle body sync so I did learn a little about the old girl. I'll keep coming to whatever, whenever and whoever organizes something, I just love the riding and the opportunity to meet people. I'll take this time to apologize for the flyer posting in the wrong place, maybe I shouldn't have posted it at all. I'm still learning the "rules" of the Forum and as far as I know I don't have any conflict with anyone, if so I apologize to you now. I'm not able to attend the April dates unless I ride up Saturday to see who's there, but I will be there in May to see what that one's all about. Everyone "Ride On, Life is to short, It will pass you by and leave you with that puzzled look on your face". Look forward to seeing you guys and gals.
Yes thank you, because I was tired of explaining it. Ok NOW I'm done. Hopefully in the future we can all work it out, say in the Fall. I don't think it was posted here because it seems like most people would just have negative comments about it. Ok NOWWW...
Thanks for keeping the record straight.

Re: Bash and Hayabusa Bash
Yes thank you, because I was tired of explaining it. Ok NOW I'm done. Hopefully in the future we can all work it out, say in the Fall. I don't think it was posted here because it seems like most people would just have negative comments about it. Ok NOWWW...
Gary, thanks for your very thoughtful post. You did nothing wrong and broke no rules. There were other forces at work that prompted the decision to take down the post, and none of them had anything to do with you. A lot of thought and debate took place before it was removed, and it was not a snap decision. I apologize for not letting you know at the time. That's on me.
Let me just chime in for a quick second, first and very last thing I will say about this topic.... It just doesn't matter, the whole intent of this site was to create a place for Hayabusa Riders to get together, share stories, meet new people and have fun, nothing more, nothing less. This site grew well beyond anything that was ever planned or honestly anything that I believe anyone could have ever orchestrated. The success of the site was two fold, 1. We provided a place using the principles posted above from RacerV, 2. Great people interested in the bike and the desire to get out and ride... that's it, that is the recipe...

For anyone that might think that I have been involved in discussions or conversations behind the scenes, make no mistake I have been MIA from the site / admin side of things for quite some time and have several of the mods / admins seemingly frustrated I think in my lack of involvement over this whole thing, honestly it's just garbage all of it. Let's just boil it down to the real fine print...

RacerV --- John, I've ridden with you in groups, I've ridden with you alone in Robbinsville, The Dragon, Cherahola Skyway, Hallet Racetrack and our friendship goes deeper than this.. I'm just not going to argue over something that might come between that, while hindsight is 20 / 20 I would hope that in the future you guys would include the site in some decisions, maybe we could offer some information on how we got to the decisions we did. I never wanted to be in charge of anything at the bash, I just wanted to ride, but I seemed to always get called to the principals office (Mrs. Reba) every time something went wrong, every time someone wanted something they came to a mod and admin, to me so in some way while we didn't want to be over anything we had to be. The bash started out just as you have it now, several folks getting together to have a good time so that's awesome your working towards that, no foul there...

Loomis, love ya dude.... I put a picture of you and your brother up the other day as a couple of the original group from 2007 when we rode to Hooters on that Friday, one of the best memories of me on two wheels going across the skyway... I don't give up on friends, let me know what you need I'm always here for you...

The problem with being the owner of this site is that I just can't please everyone, over the years we had emails and face to face discussions from members telling us what they wanted out of the Bash (an event that wasn't ours) and we tried to help get some things moving or help others like with Dave and the food, the org always covered any cost that needed to be made up, we always tried to give stuff away and we always tried to stay out of the way but yet people kept coming to us with needs / demands, in the end I just stopped coming.... So while I never wanted any of it, I just wanted to go ride and play I was getting complaints that "The Captain" should be more friendly and do more things with the new people... I just thought we were there to ride, right.. no one told me I was in charge of entertainment, the Bash for me turned into a job... Cap where is the food, Cap where are the pics, Cap, what time are we leaving, who's doing this when is that blah blah... Annnnnd when we did get involved people got upset that we were trying to take over so we back out and stayed to ourselves and then people said the mods / admins were just a big clique, so the man trip to Glacier National Park I headed with my best bud Uncle Steve! So while the oRg may not have ever been directly responsible for the bash it was all organized here, the members were from here and discussions were from here which meant the brand was here too... I think that is why there was so much confusion with the membership!

You folks remember this, anything that get's in between you and the people that helped you make some of the best riding memories of your life is probably just garbage and pride, lose it because one day you will look back and regret it. Of course there are always those folks that don't always hang out on the site anymore and I won't go into it in detail but know that SCAR and I spoke on the phone for about an hour the other night.

Man I miss spending time with Scar, Tom is a great dude mentally positive, loves the hayabusa, loves people and loves business and there isn't anything wrong with any single piece of that. Scar has been to my home, ate from my table, slept in my home, even been in my hot tub and we rode all over the Sierra Nevada's together as well as central Oklahoma, so don't think that I hate him, I miss his friendship. When Scar left he was building the Stampede (which I attended the first one in Reno) and loved it, Scar always wanted to be and as far as I know still wants to be an event promoter and that is AWESOME, but at the time several years ago a Hayabusa Promoter as a mod on this site went directly against our core and fundamental values which was that everyone was welcome. While I know that Scar would never turn anyone away, his events were paid events just like other paid events and to participate you had to pay a fee for food, clothes, group rides or whatever was included in the event... There is absolutely nothing wrong with what he has built at all but the oRg could not have someone on staff that managed that type of paid group ride and still be a leader of our get togethers in my opinion so we parted. Scar is a good guy, people have tried to make more out of this situation than it ever was and over time as we recently spoke about even we forgot a lot of the details.

For every story that you think you might know, I assure you there is as Paul Harvey would say "The Rest of the Story" and we try to keep people's private lives just that, private.. I have no secrets but I do try to keep who slept with who or who stole who's bike or who got caught with his wife all hush hush.... It happens more often than you think!

Let me just close with this... It isn't worth it, there isn't enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do much less argue on the Internet over who is right, when I'm going on vacation and who is going to win... Lose the pride, remember why we are here and never lose sight of that and made sure you let the other guy know you have his back...

Some of my closest friends I have to this day are from right here on this site, I will not lose those friendships because of pride. If people want to go to Robbinsville on another date awesome, let us know how things go, tell us if the Troopers are out and how Pappy's doing. John don't turn the music up too loud cause Mrs. Reba always calls me and most importantly, make some great memories...

Cap, over and out!